Georgia Research Administrators NeTwork GRANT

The Georgia Research Administrators NeTwork is a group of professionals, employed by organizations within the state of Georgia, seeking to learn more about research administration and share their knowledge with others. 

Research administrators typically work in institutions of higher education and non-profit organizations.  The GRANT conference welcomes administrators who oversee all aspects of the award process, from pre-proposal through post-award and award close-out.


Georgia Tech Building

October 12, 2023

grant logo

We hope you enjoyed the conference.
For your future reference the zoom recording is here.


Institute Welcome 

Robert Butera

Chief Research Operations Officer

Robert Butera serves Georgia Tech as the Chief Research Operations Officer (CROO). He is responsible for facilitating and directing the Institute’s research activities and oversees Research Integrity Assurance, Research Administration, and Research Development and Operations as part of the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research. Butera is a Professor jointly appointed in the Wallace H. Coulter Dept. of Biomedical Engineering and the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Rob Butera

Keynote Speaker

Shannon Yee

Associate Professor

Dr. Shannon Yee is an Associate Professor at the G.W.W. School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Yee joined Georgia Tech in 2014 directly from his PhD at the University of California Berkeley. In the midst of his studies, he joined the US. Dept. of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA-E) during its inaugural year as the first ARPA-E Fellow. Dr. Yee completed his MS in Nuclear Engineering in 2008 and his BS in Mechanical Engineering in 2007, both from The Ohio State University. In 2008, he was awarded a prestigious Hertz Fellowship. In 2015, Dr. Yee was selected for an AFOSR Young Investigator Award to develop polymer thermoelectrics. Dr. Yee is the recipient of the 2017 ASME Pi-Tau-Sigma Gold Medal award for “outstanding contributions to the field of Mechanical Engineering in the first decade of one’s career.” In 2019, Shannon was selected for an ONR Young Investigator Award to develop polymer thermal switches. Most recently, Dr. Yee is directing the Generation II Reinvent the Toilet (G2RT) program supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and was recognized as one of Bill Gate’s Heroes in the Field in 2021.

Are you going to be in the Atlanta area the night before the GRANT Conference? Join us for a social networking gathering at Sweetwater Brewery on Wednesday, October 11th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

There's plenty of free parking and a whole lot of food and drink options. Please note, the cost of food and drink will be your own expense.

Whether you are attending the actual conference in person or virtually, we hope to see you for this rare opportunity to mix and mingle with colleagues from across the state.

Sweetwater Brewery
195 Ottley Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30324

TimeOPTIONAL: October 11 
6:00-8:00pmMeet and Greet Event: Sweetwater Brewery,             
195 Ottley Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30324    
TimeOctober 12 GRANT Agenda
8:45-9:30amCheck in 
9:30-10:00amCoffee Talk- get settled, meet old and new colleagues, networking!
10:00am-10:10amWelcome to the GRANT Conference
10:10am-10:30amGeorgia Institute of Technology Welcome; Dr. Robert Butera, Chief Research Operations Officer, Georgia Tech
10:30am-11:00amKeynote Speaker:  Dr. Shannon Yee, Associate Professor, Georgia Tech
11:00-11:35amDiversity, Equity & Inclusion in Research: Supreme Court Ruling Impact
11:50am-12:35pmNavigating the Maze: Contemporary Challenges in Research Administration and Pathways to Solutions 
12:35pm-1:00pmNavigating the Maze: Breakout Discussion
1:00pm-1:45pmLunch and Networking
1:45pm-2:15pmT32 Best Practices
2:15pm-2:45pmPost Award: Effort Certification, Sub-Awards and Communication with PI
3:00pm-3:40pmEmpowering Your Path: Navigating Professional Growth and Accelerating Your Career
3:40pm-4:00pmEmpowering Your Path: Breakout Discussion
4:00pm-4:20pmClosing Remarks


926 Dalney St NW, Atlanta, GA 30332
Parking Validation will be available for those parking in the Dalney Deck.

For directions and parking information please visit:

screenshot fo the Dalney building campus map


Visit the interactive map