Georgia CTSA Lunch & Learn Series with Informatics Experts

"Big Data and Nursing Wisdom: The Key to Unlock Healthcare Innovation"

Ramya Govindarajan, MSPH
Director, Database Projects
Emory School of Nursing

Virtual Event - REGISTER HERE

As Director of Database Projects at Emory School of Nursing, Ramya Govindarajan leads efforts to enhance healthcare research and incorporate data literacy into healthcare education of all levels. Merging her experience in diverse informatics areas such as bioinformatics, public health informatics and healthcare informatics, she has led the development of several unique, proprietary data science resources. These include a nationally available e-learning course on introductory Data Science for Nurses, now available through the Emory Nursing Learning Center. She is also involved in curriculum development and teaching to incorporate data literacy in nursing education.

Ramya is currently leading the national implementation of Project NeLL, an EHR big database and suite of applications for teaching data science. Project NeLL was designed by nurses for nurses. It is already helping nurses and nursing students to improve healthcare systems via data-informed capstones, dissertations, and change management projects.