The Future is Small

Ongoing work in the Space System Design Laboratory (SSDL) and the High-Power Electric Propulsion Laboratory (HPEPL) were featured in Issue 3 of the 2015 Georgia Tech Research Horizons magazine article,

The Future is Small

An excerpt from the article:

“Where the space sector once revolved around mammoth spacecraft taking decades and billions of dollars to build, we are now breaking complex space objectives into smaller chunks,” said Robert Braun, a professor in Georgia Tech’s Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering and director of its Center for Space Technology and Research (C-STAR). “Working together, a dozen small spacecraft might accomplish that same big objective at a fraction of the cost. These small spacecraft might be the size of a trash can or a night table, and they can be developed much more quickly, providing opportunities to utilize the latest technology.”


 The full article can be found here.