Eco-Commons Construction Begins Next Week

<p>Map of the proposed Eco-Commons plan.</p>

Map of the proposed Eco-Commons plan.

Construction on campus continues this fall with the development of the northwest section of the Eco-Commons. The portion of the Eco-Commons currently under construction is directly west of The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design and will complement the building’s regenerative principles. This particular swath of land consists of approximately 8 acres and includes a performance landscape and passive green space that will help enhance campus life.

As development begins, the campus community will see the following changes:

  • The east sidewalk along Hemphill Avenue between Ferst Drive and Eighth Street is now closed to pedestrian traffic.
  • The former Georgia Tech Police Department headquarters (Beringause Building) will be demolished beginning Monday, Oct. 7.
  • The W24 and W25 surface lots will also be removed.
  • There will be temporary access from Dalney Parking Deck to State Street until a permanent path is installed in Summer 2020.
  • Access to and from Center Street South Apartments will be limited to the north and west entrances, with very limited access to the south and east entrances.
  • Heavy construction truck traffic will be expected in this sector of campus.

For more information on campus construction updates, visit:

News Contact
Cathy Brim
Facilities Management