Delivering Intelligent Operations to your Industrial Frontline through Visual Guidance and AI

Shrikant Yarlagadda

In today's rapidly evolving industrial landscape, the successful operation of frontline processes is critical to achieving efficiency, productivity, and safety goals.

Delivering Intelligent Operations to your Industrial Frontline through Visual Guidance and AI

Shrikant Yarlagadda
Chief Executive Officer

Monday, Sept. 25
12:00 - 1:00 PM Eastern Time
Location: Callaway/GTMI bldg.,
Room 114

If you can’t join us in-person, Zoom link:

In today's rapidly evolving industrial landscape, the successful operation of frontline processes is critical to achieving efficiency, productivity, and safety goals. Leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Visual Guidance has emerged as a transformative strategy to empower industrial frontline workers, enabling them to perform their tasks with enhanced precision, speed, and reliability. This seminar explores the integration of Visual Guidance and AI technologies to deliver intelligent operations to the industrial frontline.

The seminar will delve into the following key areas:

  • Visual Guidance Systems: Explore the latest advancements in AR, computer vision, and machine learning for real-time visual feedback, improving task accuracy.
  • AI-Powered Process Optimization: Learn how AI analyzes data to predict equipment failures, reduce downtime, and enhance production efficiency.
  • Human-Machine Collaboration: Discover AI-driven tools that assist workers in complex tasks, from quality control to maintenance.
  • Safety and Compliance: See how AI enhances safety through hazard detection and compliance monitoring.
  • Case Studies: Gain insights from real-world applications across industries, showcasing productivity and quality improvements.
  • Implementation: Learn practical steps to integrate Visual Guidance and AI into existing operations.

This seminar equips industrial professionals with the knowledge to leverage Visual Guidance and AI for smarter, more efficient, and safer operations.

Shrikant Yarlagadda is an executive with over 30 years’ experience in various industries, & companies like GE, PG&E, InBev, and VW. He has a proven track record of delivering outcome-based solutions to business problems, with a focus on Industrial Supply Chains. Shrikant received his degree in Metallurgical Engineering and is focused on empowering the Industrial Frontline with intelligent digital experiences. He is currently working towards bringing together augmented reality (AR/MR), machine learning (AI/ML), and real-time data streams to improve operational efficiencies.