CIGars - Center for Integrative Genomics Advanced Research Seminar

The Center for Integrative Genomics (CIG) holds a monthly advanced research seminar (CIGars) with two presentations given by graduate students and post-docs. Each presentation is approximately 25 minutes with five minutes for questions. These talks are directed to graduate students and post-docs but are open to anyone who is interested in the topics. 

Gene-Environment Interactions in the Personalized Environment and Genes Study (PEGS)"

Alison Motsinger-Reif, Ph.D., Chief, Biostatistics & Computational Biology Branch and Principal Investigator, NIH / NIEHS  

Our special guest speaker, Alison Motsinger-Reif from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, is Chief of and a principal investigator in the Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch. Overall, her group focuses on the development and application of modern statistical approaches for understanding the etiology of common, complex diseases. Read more

This is a great opportunity to: 

  • Improve your presentation skills as a speaker
  • Communicate science, research, and technology to an audience with diverse backgrounds
  • Practice giving your talk for an upcoming conference, thesis defense, or qualifying oral exams
  • Enjoy free lunch and hear about a wide range of work happening in the local bioscience community