Approaches for In-depth Studies of Workpiece Surface Integrity in Machining

Dragos Axinte, Ph.D.
Professor, University of Nottingham, UK
Monday, Feb. 15 -Online Seminar-
Noon - 1:00 pm Eastern Time, U.S.
"Approaches for In-depth Studies of Workpiece Surface Integrity in Machining"
Abstract: From Ni/Ti superalloys to engineering ceramics or diamond composites and even biological tissues (e.g. bone) machining is regarded as a key enabling technology to deliver surfaces at required geometrical accuracies and surface quality. An aspect of particular importance, but often neglected, is the surface integrity resulting from machining operations; this includes the metallurgical and mechanical property alterations of the machined (sub)surface with inherent influence of service life of the components.
The presentation gives an overview of surface quality requirements and possible anomalies that might appear during conventional (e.g. drilling, milling, grinding)/non-conventional (abrasive waterjet, laser ablation) machining of various materials: Ni/Ti superalloys, ceramics, composites and ultra-hard (diamond and CBN based) structures. Particular importance is given on how the process parameters/machining strategies should be conducted so that metallurgical/surface damages are minimised while resultant mechanical properties (e.g. residual stresses, micro-hardness) are favorable for enhancing the lifing of the components. Here, it will be presented not only standard surface examination techniques (e.g. SEM, XRD) but also state-of-the-art material evaluation/testing methods (e.g. TEM, EELS, EBSD, Raman spectroscopy, SEM micro-pillar testing, etc), that are very seldom employed by manufacturing community, to enable in-depth understanding of the governing phenomena for the workpiece surface integrity formation.
Bio: Dragos Axinte is Professor and Chair of Manufacturing Engineering at University of Nottingham, UK as well as Li Dak Sum Chair Professor at University of Nottingham Ningbo. Graduated at University of Galati, Romania, after working in industrial research for nearly eight years, he held two personal NATO Research Fellowships in Italy and Denmark and then moved to UK to carry out research with University of Birmingham and later with University of Nottingham. He was appointed Lecturer in Manufacturing Engineering (2005) and successively promoted to Associate Professor (2007), Reader (2010) and Professor (2011). Since 2009 Dragos is Director of The Rolls-Royce UTC in Manufacturing and On-Wing Technology at University of Nottingham. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture and Fellow of International Academy of Production Engineering (FCIRP). Dragos has over 150 in top journal papers and over 20 granted international patents filed with industry partners.
Dragos' research interests are in the following main areas: Advanced machining and finishing technologies, Energy beam machining (e.g. waterjet machining, laser ablation, focused ion beam), Workpiece surface analysis, Process monitoring, Design of portable machine tools, Design of innovative robotics for in-situ repairs in hazardous environments.