Afroze Wins Best Presentation at JUMP 2.0 SUPREME Annual Review

Nashrah Afroze

Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) third-year Ph.D. candidate Nashrah Afroze won the Best Presentation Award at the Superior Energy-efficient Materials and Devices Center’s (SUPREME) Annual Review on June 11-12 in Cambridge, Mass. on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

She won the award for her research, "Interface Engineering for High-Performance Memories at Elevated Temperatures," which aims to improve memory robustness at high temperatures.

Emerging memories are essential for AI applications due to their substantial memory demands. These memories must function reliably at elevated temperatures, such as high bandwidth memory operating at 105 degrees C, monolithic back end at 125 degrees C, and automotive applications at 160 degrees C.

Ensuring robustness at these high temperatures is crucial for maintaining performance and reliability.

At the event, Afroze demonstrated an interface engineering method to enhance the robustness of these memories at elevated temperatures, ensuring their effectiveness under realistic temperature conditions.

“Attending the JUMP 2.0 SUPREME annual meeting in Cambridge was truly remarkable,” Afroze said. “Engaging with top semiconductor researchers from both academia and industry was incredibly inspiring. I'm grateful for the insights and connections gained, shaping my vision for future advancements in technology.”

The SUPREME center, led by Cornell University, is one of the seven Joint University Microelectronics Program (JUMP) 2.0 academic research centers co-sponsored by Semiconductor Research Corporation’s (SRC).

It aims to demonstrate the basic materials and technology breakthroughs needed to address the seismic shifts identified by the semiconductor community in the Decadal Plan for Semiconductors.

Afroze is a third-year Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of ECE associate professor Asif Islam Khan, who is part of the SUPREME Center team.

Her research interests encompass a comprehensive study of ferroelectric memories, from microstructure analysis to electrical characterization, aiming to advance the understanding and application of the ferroelectric materials in next-generation memory technologies.

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Zachary Winiecki