
Strategic Energy Institute Executive Director Tim Lieuwen presented information at the "…

The Georgia Institute of Technology has been awarded $1.6 million by the U.S. Department of…

The Georgia Institute of Technology brought a new focus on energy to the nation’s capital,…

The U.S. Department of Energy announced today that the Georgia Institute of Technology is one of…

Maryam Saeedifard has been named as the recipient of the 2021 U.S. Clean Energy Education and…

Meet Tim Lieuwen, executive director of the Strategic Energy Institute (SEI).

SEI is one…

For decades, the Georgia Institute of Technology has focused on advancing artificial…

On June 21-25, the Strategic Energy Institute's Energy Policy and Innovation Center (…

1. What is your field of expertise and at what point in your life did you first become…

Georgia Tech and Georgia Power celebrated the opening of a 1.4-megawatt microgrid in Tech Square…

GT Energy In The News

Picture of the US Capitol Building dome with a clear blue sky background.
Better The World campaign

Georgia Tech faculty Tim Lieuwen, Adam Cohen, and Rich Simmons authored this op-ed on how climate change might be…

A portrait of Raheem Beyah is next to an image of a Colonial Pipeline company storage tank.
early admit

On Wednesday’s edition of “Closer Look,” Raheem Beyah, the dean of Georgia Tech’s College of Engineering and the founder…

Picture of an empty gasoline pump with a bagged spout and paper signs taped to it.
Fast Film Fest

Georgia Tech Strategic Energy Institute Executive Director Tim Lieuwen is quoted in this article in the Georgia Recorder on…

Portrait of Emily Grubert with Earth, environment, and infrastructure graphics in the background.
LGTBQIA Resource Center

GT Assistant Professor Emily Grubert joins NPR Morning Edition host Noel King to discuss how the extraordinary weather event in…

Beyah Pipeline
Closer Look - 90.1 FM WABE Atlanta NPR

Georgia Tech's Chuanyi Ji leads research on why power restoration after major storms can take so long.

Issues in Science and Technology

An editorial piece by Timothy Lieuwen, Seth Marder, and Chaouki T. Abdallah that argues that research universities should re-…