Two finalists have been selected for the Packaging Research Center (PRC) director position. The PRC is a graduated NSF Engineering Research Center focusing on advanced packaging using 2.5D and 3D heterogeneous integration technologies. The center conducts research and education in all aspects of advanced packaging that includes design, materials, process, assembly, thermal management and integration driven by applications, which include broad areas such as high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, automotive, broad-band wireless and space.

Each candidate will give a vision talk outlining their vision for the Center. This talk, consisting of a 45-minute presentation + 15-minutes Q&A, is open the Georgia Tech students, faculty, and staff. Attendees can join in person or through Microsoft Teams (pre-registration is required).

The vision talks will be held at 9:00 a.m. in the Marcus Nanotechnology building, rooms 1116 - 1118 on the following dates:

Details, including each candidate’s bio and curriculum vitae will be made available 48 hours ahead of each visit. Georgia Tech login credentials are required to access all materials.  Information is being made available in this manner to protect the confidentiality of the finalists. A survey will also be posted after each visit and seminar are completed.