Why does a rocket have to go 25,000 mph (about 40,000…
Resilience hubs are trusted, community-serving facilities designed to support residents and…
Exponential growth in big data and computing power is transforming climate science,…
From the physics of knitting to highlighting how batteries work, Georgia Tech photographers…
Two Georgia Tech professors have earned the Presidential Early Career Award for…
From Watts to Warheads: Secretary of Energy Oversees Big Science Research and the US Nuclear Arsenal
The U.S. Department of Energy was created in 1977 by…
The oceans are heating up as the planet warms.
Georgia Tech’s Executive Vice President for Research (EVPR) search committee has selected…
Johney Green Jr., M.S. ME 1993, Ph.D. ME 2000, has been chosen to serve as the new laboratory…
When it comes to finding solutions to climate change, there’s no shortage of technologies…
GT Energy In The News
Plant Vogtle, a nuclear power plant in Waynesboro, Georgia, is the largest source of clean energy in the U.S. following the…
More than 70 representatives from government agencies, automakers, utilities, universities, nongovernmental organizations and more…
Atlanta is booming. Driven by both its emergence as a leading high-tech and corporate center and regional demographic shifts, the…
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