Zhiqun Lin

Zhiqun Lin

Zhiqun Lin

Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Zhiqun Lin is currently Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research focuses on nanostructured functional materials (NanoFM). An extensive list of materials currently under investigation in his group includes polymer-based nanocomposites, block copolymers, polymer blends, conjugated polymers, quantum dots (rods, tetrapods, wires), magnetic nanocrystals, metallic nanocrystals, semiconductor metal oxide nanocrystals, ferroelectric nanocrystals, multiferroic nanocrystals, upconversion nanocrystals, thermoelectric nancrystals, core/shell nanoparticles (nanorods), hollow nanocrystals, Janus nanocrystals, nanopores, nanotubes, hierarchically structured and assembled materials, and semiconductor organic-inorganic nanohybrids.

The goal of his research is to understand the fundamentals of these nanostructured materials. His group intends to create these nanostructures in a precisely controllable manner and to exploit the structure-property relationships in the development of multifunctional materials for potential use in energy conversion (e.g., solar cells, photocatalysis, and hydrogen generation) and storage (e.g., batteries), electronics, optics, optoelectronics, magnetic materials and devices, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.



Office Location:
MOSE 3100K

MSE Profile Page

  • Nanosctructure Functional Materials Group
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Energy Generation, Storage, and Distribution
    • Materials for Energy
    Additional Research:
    Nanocomposites; Polymeric Composites; Polymers; Nanocrystals; Self-Assembly; Solar Cells; Batteries; Composites; Nanostructures; Electronics; Energy Storage

    IRI Connections:

    Meisha Shofner

    Meisha Shofner

    Meisha Shofner

    Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering

    Meisha L. Shofner is a professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, joining the faculty following post-doctoral training at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She received her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin and her Ph.D. in Materials Science from Rice University. Prior to beginning graduate school, she was employed as a design engineer at FMC in the Subsea Engineering Division, working at two plant locations (Houston, Texas and the Republic of Singapore), and she is a registered Professional Engineer in Georgia.

    Shofner’s research area is processing-structure-property relationships of polymers and composites. Specifically, she designs processing strategies to attain hierarchical structures in these materials to improve properties and has discovered scalable processing methods to produce auxetic structures and tensegrity-inspired structures. Additionally, she works with bioderived materials to produce composites with reduced environmental impact.  



    Office Location:
    MRDC 4409

    Shofner Lab

  • MSE Profile Page
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Advanced Composites
    • Materials & Manufacturing
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    • Renewable Energy
    Additional Research:
    Biomolecular-Solids; Biomaterials; Composites; Polymers; Nanomaterials; Biofuels; Structure-property relationships in polymer nanocomposite materials; producing structural hierarchy in these materials for structural and functional applications.

    IRI Connections:

    Youjiang Wang

    Youjiang Wang

    Youjiang Wang

    Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering

    Youjiang Wang joined Georgia Tech faculty in 1989. His research interests include mechanics of composites, yarns, fabrics, and geotextiles; manufacturing processes and characterization of fibers, textiles and textile structural composites; and fiber recycling. Wang is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Georgia, and a Fellow of ASME.



    Office Location:
    MRDC-1 4507

    MSE Profile Page

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Delivery & Storage
    • Materials for Energy
    • Miniaturization & Integration
    • Nanomaterials
    Additional Research:
    Fibers; Composites; Polymers; Biomaterials; Nanocellulose Applications; Biocomposites

    IRI Connections:

    Aaron Stebner

    Aaron Stebner

    Aaron Stebner

    Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering

    Aarn Stebner works at the intersection of manufacturing, machine learning, materials, and mechanics. He joined the Georgia Tech faculty as an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering in 2020.

    Previously, he was the Rowlinson Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at the Colorado School of Mines (2013 – 2020), a postdoctoral scholar at the Graduate Aerospace Laboratories of the California Institute of Technology (2012 – 2013), a Lecturer in the Segal Design Institute at Northwestern University (2009 – 2012), a Research Scientist at Telezygology Inc. establishing manufacturing and “internet of things” technologies for shape memory alloy-secured latching devices (2008-2009), a Research Fellow at the NASA Glenn Research Center developing smart materials technologies for morphing aircraft structures (2006 – 2008), and a Mechanical Engineer at the Electric Device Corporation in Canfield, OH developing manufacturing and automation technologies for the circuit breaker industry (1995 – 2000).



    MSE Profile Page

  • Stebner Lab
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Additive manufacturing
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • Energy
    • Materials & Manufacturing
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    • Nanomaterials
    • Sustainable Manufacturing

    IRI Connections:

    Christopher Muhlstein

    Christopher Muhlstein

    Christopher Muhlstein

    Associate Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering
    Associate Director, MPRL

    Muhlstein has worked as an engineering consultant at Exponent, Inc. (Failure Analysis Associates). In September, 2002 he joined the faculty in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University and was tenured and promoted to associate professor in 2008.

     Muhlstein’s research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of fracture and fatigue in bulk and thin film materials. Muhlstein is a member of Alpha Sigma Mu and Keramos honor societies and an NSF CAREER award recipient. In 2007 he was also named the Corning Research Faculty Fellow in Materials Science and Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. 



    Office Location:
    Love 274

    MSE Profile Page

  • Mechanical Properties Characterization Facility
  • Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biochemicals
    • Biorefining
    • Biotechnology
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    • Pulp Paper Packaging & Tissue
    • Sustainable Manufacturing
    Additional Research:
    Fracture and Fatigue; Thin Films; Polymeric Composites; Advanced Characterization; Nanomaterials; Structural Materials; Paper & Board Mechanics; Biomaterials; Nanocellulose Applications; Biocomposites; New Materials

    IRI Connections:

    Guoxiang (Emma) Hu

    Guoxiang (Emma) Hu

    Guoxiang (Emma) Hu

    Assistant Professor

    Emma Hu joins the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech as an assistant professor. Her group will use quantum mechanical modelling combined with materials informatics to understand the underlying mechanisms of energy harvesting and utilization at the atomic level, and reveal structure-property-performance relationships for knowledge/data-driven materials design.

    Her research seeks to accelerate the discovery of materials with complex properties to solve time-sensitive problems involving green energy production and climate remediation.

    Emma obtained her Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry in 2018 from the University of California, Riverside, and her B.S. in Chemistry in 2013 from University of Science and Technology of China. She then spent two years as a postdoctoral scholar in the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory from 2018-2020. Before joining Georgia Tech, Emma was an Assistant Professor at City University of New York from 2020-2023.


    Office Location:
    RBI 275

    MSE Profile

    IRI Connections:
    IRI And Role

    Eric Vogel

    Eric Vogel

    Eric Vogel

    Executive Director
    Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering

    Eric M. Vogel is currently professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to joining Tech in August 2011, he was an associate professor of Materials Science and Engineering and electrical engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) where he was also associate director of the Texas Analog Center of Excellence and led UT Dallas's portion of the Southwest Academy for Nanoelectronics. Prior to joining UT Dallas in August of 2006, he was leader of the Semiconductors and Novel Devices Group and founded the Nanofab at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He received his Ph.D. in 1998 in electrical engineering from North Carolina State University and his B.S. in 1994 in electrical engineering from Penn State University. Professor Vogel's research interests relate to materials and devices for future micro-/nano-electronics. He has published over 150 journal publications and proceedings, written six book chapters and given over 75 invited talks and tutorials.



    Office Location:
    Marcus 2133

    MSE Profile Page

  • Vogel Lab
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Micro and Nano Device Engineering
    Additional Research:

    2D materials, Electronic Materials, biosensors, Atomic Layer Deposition, III-V Semiconductor devices

    IRI Connections:

    Robert Moon

    Robert Moon

    Robert Moon

    Adjunct Professor


    (404) 894-1026

  • Website
  • Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biochemicals
    • Biorefining
    • Biotechnology
    • Pulp Paper Packaging & Tissue
    • Sustainable Manufacturing
    Additional Research:
    Sustainable Manufacturing; Cellulosic Nanomaterials; Biomaterials; Nanocellulose Applications; Biocomposites; Aerogels & Hydrogels

    IRI Connections:

    Donggang Yao

    Donggang Yao

    Donggang Yao

    Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering

    Donggang Yao is a professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. and Master’s degrees both from University of Massachusetts Amherst, and his B.S. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He teaches and directs research in the broad area of polymer engineering. His current research focuses on polymer micromolding, fiber spinning, single-polymer composites, constitutive modeling, and process modeling and simulation. He has published over 60 journal papers and 80 conference papers on polymer processing. He was a recipient of NSF Career Award in 2003 for his research on polymer micromolding. He chaired the ASME Composites and Textile Engineering Technical Committee from 2009 to 2011. He currently serves as an associate editor for ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering and an editorial board member for Polymer Engineering and Science.



    Office Location:
    MRDC, Room 4407


  • About his research
  • Research Focus Areas:
    • Advanced Composites
    • Advanced Manufacturing
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biochemicals
    • Biorefining
    • Biotechnology
    • Pulp Paper Packaging & Tissue
    • Sustainable Manufacturing
    Additional Research:
    Biocomposites; Biomanufacturing; Biomaterials; Bioprocessing; Bioproducts; Fiber Properties; Forming; Lignin & Hemicellulose; Manufacturing; Mechanics of Materials; Microfluidics; Microporous Materials; New Materials for 3D Printing; Polymer & Fiber; Process Modeling; Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics

    IRI Connections:

    Hamid Garmestani

    Hamid Garmestani

    Hamid Garmestani

    Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering

    Hamid Garmestani is a professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received his education from Cornell University (Ph.D. 1989 in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) and the University of Florida (B.S. 1982 in Mechanical Engineering, M.S. 1984 in Materials Science and Engineering). After serving a year as a post-doctoral fellow at Yale University, he joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at Florida State University (FAMU-FSU College of Engineering) in 1990. 

    Primary research and teaching interests include microstructure/property relationship in textured polycrystalline materials, composites, superplastic, magnetic and thin film layered structures. He uses phenomenological and statistical mechanics models in a computational framework to investigate microstructure and texture (micro-texture) evolution during processing and predict effective properties (mechanical, transport and magnetic). His present research interests are processing of fuel cell materials and modeling of their transport and mechanical properties.

    Garmestani has been the recipient of a research award (FAR) through NASA in  1997. He received the Superstar in  Research award in 1999 by FSU-CRC.  He  has also been the recipient of the Engineering Research Award at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Spring 2000. He is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Plasticity and board of reviewers for journal of Metal Transaction.  He is presently funded through NSF (MRD), NASA, Air Force and the Army.



    Office Location:
    Love 361

  • MSE Profile Page
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • Computational Materials Science
    Additional Research:

    computational mechanics; micro and nanomechanics; Electrical charge storage and transport; Fuel Cells

    IRI Connections: