Karl Jacob

Karl Jacob

Karl Jacob

Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering and School of Mechanical Engineering

Karl I. Jacob, a professor of Materials Science and Engineering with a joint appointment in the G. W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on polymer physics and engineering, rheology, and mechanics of polymeric materials. His graduate work was in the area of numerical analysis of vibrating three-dimensional structures. He came to Georgia Tech from DuPont Corporation in 1995. His initial work at the DuPont Dacron Research Laboratory was in the area of fiber-reinforced composite materials and in the development and modeling of fiber spinning processes. He then moved to the DuPont Central Research and Development Department, where he was involved in molecular modeling, computational chemistry, and diffusion.

Jacob is a member of the American Academy of Mechanics, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Sigma Xi Research Society, and the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.



Office Location:
MRDC-1 4509

  • MSE Profile Page
  • Center for Drug Design, Development and Delivery
  • University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biochemicals
    • Biorefining
    • Biotechnology
    • Computational Materials Science
    • Drug Design, Development and Delivery
    • Fuels & Chemical Processing
    • Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics
    • Pulp Paper Packaging & Tissue
    • Sustainable Manufacturing
    Additional Research:
    "Dr. Jacob's research is directed at stress induced phase changes, nanoscale characterization of materials, synthesis of polymeric nanofibers, mechanical behavior of fiber assemblies (particularly related to biological systems and biomimitic systems), nanoparticle reinforced composites, transdermal drug delivery systems, large scale deformation of rubbery (networked) polymers, and nanoscale fracture of materials. The objectives in this work, using theoretical, computational and experimental techniques, is to understand the effect of micro- and nano- structures in the behavior of materials in order to try to design the micro/nano structures for specific materials response. Dr. Jacob plans are to continue current research interests with a multidisciplinary thrust with more emphasis in bio related areas and to start some work on the dynamic behavior of materials and structures. Graduate students could benefit from the interdisciplinary nature of the work combining classical continuum mechanics with nanoscale analysis for various applications, particularly in the nano and bio areas. Dr. Jacob has extensive experience in vibrations and stability of structures, mechanics of polymeric materials, behavior of fiber assemblies, stress-induced phase transformation, diffusion, and molecular modeling. His research involves the application of mechanics principles, both theoretical and experimental, in the analysis and design of materials for various applications.";Fibers; smart textiles; fuel cells; Polymeric composites

    IRI Connections:

    Martha Grover

    Martha Grover

    Martha Grover

    Professor, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    James Harris Faculty Fellow, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Member, NSF/NASA Center for Chemical Evolution

    Grover’s research activities in process systems engineering focus on understanding macromolecular organization and the emergence of biological function. Discrete atoms and molecules interact to form macromolecules and even larger mesoscale assemblies, ultimately yielding macroscopic structures and properties. A quantitative relationship between the nanoscale discrete interactions and the macroscale properties is required to design, optimize, and control such systems; yet in many applications, predictive models do not exist or are computationally intractable.

    The Grover group is dedicated to the development of tractable and practical approaches for the engineering of macroscale behavior via explicit consideration of molecular and atomic scale interactions. We focus on applications involving the kinetics of self-assembly, specifically those in which methods from non-equilibrium statistical mechanics do not provide closed form solutions. General approaches employed include stochastic modeling, model reduction, machine learning, experimental design, robust parameter design, and estimation.



    Office Location:
    ES&T 1228

    Grover Group

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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Electronic Materials
    • Molecular Evolution
    • Nuclear
    Additional Research:
    Colloids; Crystallization; Organic and Inorganic Photonics and Electronics; Polymers; Discrete atoms and molecules interact to form macromolecules and even larger mesoscale assemblies, ultIMaTely yielding macroscopic structures and properties. A quantitative relationship between the nanoscale discrete interactions and the macroscale properties is required to design, optimize, and control such systems; yet in many applications, predictive models do not exist or are computationally intractable. The Grover group is dedicated to the development of tractable and practical approaches for the engineering of macroscale behavior via explicit consideration of molecular and atomic scale interactions. We focus on applications involving the kinetics of self-assembly, specific those in which methods from non-equilibrium statistical mechanics do not provide closed form solutions. General approaches employed include stochastic modeling, model reduction, machine learning, experimental design, robust parameter design, estIMaTion, and optimal control, monitoring and control for nuclear waste processing and polymer organic electronics

    IRI Connections:

    Andrei Fedorov

    Andrei Fedorov

    Andrei Fedorov

    Professor and Rae S. and Frank H. Neely Chair, Woodruff School Mechanical Engineering
    Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, School Mechanical Engineering
    Director, Fedorov Lab

    Fedorov's background is in thermal/fluid sciences, chemical reaction engineering as well as in applied mathematics. His laboratory works at the intersection between mechanical and chemical engineering and solid state physics and analytical chemistry with the focus on portable/ distributed power generation with synergetic CO2 capture; thermal management of high power dissipation devices and electronics cooling; special surfaces and nanostructured interfaces for catalysis, heat and moisture management; and development of novel bioanalytical instrumentation and chemical sensors. Fedorov joined Georgia Tech in 2000 as an assistant professor after finishing his postdoctoral work at Purdue University.



    Office Location:
    Love 307

    Fedorov Lab

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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Cancer Biology
    • Conventional Energy
    • Drug Design, Development and Delivery
    • Electronic Materials
    • Fuels & Chemical Processing
    • Hydrogen Production
    • Hydrogen Storage & Transport
    • Hydrogen Utilization
    • Materials for Energy
    • Miniaturization & Integration
    • Nuclear
    • Regenerative Medicine
    • Systems Biology
    • Use & Conservation
    Additional Research:
    Heat Transfer; power generation; CO2 Capture; Catalysis; fuel cells; "Fedorov's research is at the interface of basic sciences and engineering. His research portfolio is diverse, covering the areas of portable/ distributed power generation with synergetic carbon dioxide management, including hydrogen/CO2 separation/capture and energy storage, novel approaches to nanomanufacturing (see Figure), microdevices (MEMS) and instrumentation for biomedical research, and thermal management of high performance electronics. Fedorov's research includes experimental and theoretical components, as he seeks to develop innovative design solutions for the engineering systems whose optimal operation and enhanced functionality require fundamental understanding of thermal/fluid sciences. Applications of Fedorov's research range from fuel reformation and hydrogen generation for fuel cells to cooling of computer chips, from lab-on-a-chip microarrays for high throughput biomedical analysis to mechanosensing and biochemical imaging of biological membranes on nanoscale. The graduate and undergraduate students working with Fedorov's lab have a unique opportunity to develop skills in a number of disciplines in addition to traditional thermal/fluid sciences because of the highly interdisciplinary nature of their thesis research. Most students take courses and perform experimental and theoretical research in chemical engineering and applied physics. Acquired knowledge and skills are essential to starting and developing a successful career in academia as well as in many industries ranging from automotive, petrochemical and manufacturing to electronics to bioanalytical instrumentation and MEMS."

    IRI Connections:

    Seung Soon Jang

    Seung Soon Jang

    Seung Soon Jang

    Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering
    Director, Computational NanoBio Technology Lab

    Seung Soon Jang joined the School of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in July 2007. Jang worked at Samsung Electronics and the Materials and Process Simulation Center (MSC) at CalTech performing various researches in nanoelectronics, fuel cell, and interfacial systems as a director of Supramolecular Technology for six years.

    His research interest includes computations and theories to characterize and design nanoscale systems based on the molecular architecture-property relationship, which are especially relevant to molecular electronics, molecular machines, fuel cell technology and biotechnology.



    Office Location:
    Love 351

    MSE Profile Page

  • Computational NanoBio Technology Lab
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Computational Materials Science
    • Drug Design, Development and Delivery
    • Hydrogen Production
    • Hydrogen Utilization
    • Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics
    • Nanomaterials
    Additional Research:
    Jang's research interest is to characterize and design nanoscale systems based on the molecular architecture-property relationship using computations and theories, which are especially relevant to designing new biomaterials for drug delivery and tissue engineering. Currently, he is focusing on 1) NanoBio-mechanics for DNA, lipid bilayer, and hydrogel systems; 2) Molecular interaction of Alzheimer proteins with various small molecules. Dr. Jang is also interested in various topics such as nanoelectronics, nanostructured energy technologies for fuel cell, battery and photovoltaic devices.;Computational mechanics; Nanostructured Materials; Polymeric composites; Biomaterials; Fuel Cells; Delivery and Storage

    IRI Connections:

    Julie Champion

    Julie Champion

    Julie Champion

    Professor, School Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    Julie Champion is the William R. McLain Endowed Term Professor in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. She earned her B.S.E. in chemical engineering from the University of Michigan and Ph.D. in chemical engineering at the University of California Santa Barbara. She was an NIH postdoctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology. Champion is a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering and has received awards including American Chemical Society Women Chemists Committee Rising Star, NSF BRIGE Award, Georgia Tech Women in Engineering Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, Georgia Tech BioEngineering Program Outstanding Advisor Award. Professor Champion’s current research focuses on design and self-assembly of functional nanomaterials made from engineered proteins for applications in immunology, cancer, and biocatalysis.



    Office Location:
    EBB 5015

    Champion Lab

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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biomaterials
    • Cancer Biology
    • Drug Design, Development and Delivery
    • Regenerative Medicine
    Additional Research:
    Cellular Materials; Drug Delivery; Self-Assembly; "Developing therapeutic protein materials, where the protein is both the drug and thedelivery system Engineering proteins to control and understand protein particleself-assembly Repurposing and engineering pathogenic proteins for human therapeutics Creating materials that mimic cell-cell interactions to modulate immunologicalfunctions for various applications, including inflammation, cancer, autoimmune disease, and vaccination"

    IRI Connections:

    Peter Hesketh

    Peter Hesketh

    Peter Hesketh

    Professor, Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering

    Peter Hesketh came to Georgia Tech in spring 2000 as a professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering. Prior, he was associate professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Hesketh's research interests involve sensors and micro/nano-electro-mechanical Systems (MEMS/NEMS). Many sensors are built by micro/nanofabrication techniques and this provides a host of advantages including lower power consumption, small size and light weight. The issue of manipulation of the sample in addition to introduce it to the chemical sensor array is often achieved with microfluidics technology. Combining photolithographic processes to define three-dimensional structures can accomplish the necessary fluid handling, mixing, and separation through chromatography. Hesketh is also interested in nanosensors, impedance based sensors, miniature magnetic actuators and the use of stereolithography for sensor packaging. He has published over sixty papers and edited fifteen books on microsensor systems.



    Office Location:
    Love 317

    ME Profile Page

    Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Micro and Nano Device Engineering
    • Miniaturization & Integration
    Additional Research:
    Microfabrication; micromachining; sensors and actuators; biosensors; "Dr. Hesketh's research interests are in Sensors and Micro/Nano-electro-mechanical Systems (MEMS/NEMS).Many sensors are built by micro/nanofabrication techniques and this provides a host of advantages including lower power consumption, small size and light weight.The issue of manipulation of the sample in addition to introduce it to the chemical sensor array is often achieved with microfluidics technology.Combining photolithographic processes to define three-dimensional structures can accomplish the necessary fluid handling, mixing, and separation through chromatography.For example, demonstration of miniature gas chromatographyand liquid chromatography with micromachined separation columns demonstrates how miniaturization of chemical analytical methods reduces the separation time so that it is short enough, to consider the measurementequivalentto ""read-time"" sensing. A second focus area is biosensing. Professor Hesketh has worked on a number of biomedical sensors projects, including microdialysis for subcutaneous sampling, glucose sensors, and DNA sensors. Magnetic beads are being investigated as a means to transport and concentrate a target at a biosensor interface in a microfluidic format, in collaboration with scientists at the CDC. His research interests also include nanosensors, nanowire assembly by dielectrophoresis; impedance based sensors, miniature magnetic actuators; use of stereolithography for sensor packaging. He has published over sixty papers and edited fifteen books on microsensor systems."

    IRI Connections:

    Alberto Fernandez-Nieves

    Alberto Fernandez-Nieves

    Alberto Fernandez-Nieves

    Associate Professor, School of Physics
    Director, Soft Condensed Matter Laboratory

    Soft materials are materials whose properties are determined by internal structures with dimensions between atomic sizes and macroscopic scales. They are characterized by energies that are typically comparable to kT. As a result, they have low elastic moduli, often ~1-10 Pascals. Typical soft materials include liquid crystals, polymers, colloidal suspensions and emulsion drops. These materials, unlike conventional simple liquids, are locally heterogeneous and can have broken symmetries that affect their physical properties. Hence, although they often exhibit liquid-like behavior, soft materials also often exhibit properties of solids. Our laboratory studies the physics of soft materials with a focus on the connection between microscopic order and macroscopic properties. The underlying theme is to pursue basic understanding and address fundamental questions. However, we also address applied problems and pursue industrial collaborations since many of the materials we study can be viewed as model systems for those that are often used in applications. Current projects include (i) studying the phase and non-equilibrium behavior and properties of dense microgel suspensions, (ii) understanding the consequences of confinement and curvature over the equilibrium states of ordered materials, which in many cases require the existence of topological defects in their ground states, and (iii) electrohydrodynamics of toroidal droplets and jets.



    Office Location:
    Boggs B19

    Soft Condensed Matter Laboratory

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    University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Biomaterials
    • Computational Materials Science
    Additional Research:
    Physics of soft materials with a focus on the connection between microscopic order and macroscopic properties, hydrodynamics, advanced characterization, polymers, computational mechanics

    IRI Connections:

    Jennifer Curtis

    Jennifer Curtis

    Jennifer Curtis

    Professor, School of Physics

    The Curtis lab is primarily focused on the physics of cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions, in particular within the context of glycobiology and immunobiology. Our newest projects focus on questions of collective and single cell migration in vitro and in vivo; immunophage therapy "an immunoengineering approach - that uses combined defense of immune cells plus viruses (phage) to overcome bacterial infections"; and the study of the molecular biophysics and biomaterials applications of the incredible enzyme, hyaluronan synthase. A few common scientific themes emerge frequently in our projects: biophysics at interfaces, the use of quantitative modeling, collective interactions of cells and/or molecules, cell mechanics, cell motility and adhesion, and in many cases, the role of bulky sugars in facilitating cell integration and rearrangements in tissues.



    Office Location:
    MoSE G024/G128

    Cell Physics Laboratory

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    University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biomaterials
    • Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics
    Additional Research:
    Advanced characterization, cell biophysics, soft materials, tissue engineering, cell biophysics, cell mechanics of adhesion, migration and dynamics, immunophysics, immunoengineering, hyaluronan glycobiology, hyaluronan synthase, physics of tissues

    IRI Connections:

    Edward Botchwey

    Edward Botchwey

    Edward Botchwey

    Professor, Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering

    Edward Botchwey received a B.S. in mathematics from the University of Maryland at College Park in 1993 and both M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in materials science engineering and bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 1998 and 2002 respectively. He was recruited to the faculty at Georgia Tech in 2012 from his previous position at the University of Virginia. His current position is associate professor in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University. Botchwey is former Ph.D. fellow of the National GEM Consortium, a former postdoctoral fellow of the UNCF-Merk Science Initiative, and a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers from the National Institutes of Health. 

    Botchwey’s research focuses on the delivery of naturally occurring small molecules and synthetic derivatives for applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. He is particularly interested in how transient control of immune response using bioactive lipids can be exploited to control trafficking of stem cells, enhance tissue vascularization, and resolve inflammation. Botchwey serves on the Board of Directors of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) and serves as the secretary to the Biomedical Engineering Decade committee.

    Botchwey, his wife Nisha Botchwey (also a GT faculty member) and three children reside in east Atlanta in the Lake Claire neighborhood. Botchwey is also an avid cyclist and enjoys reading YA fantasy, behavioral neuroscience and Christian theology books in his personal time.




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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biomaterials
    • Chemical Biology
    • Regenerative Medicine
    Additional Research:
    Biomaterials, cellular materials, in situ characterization, tissue engineering, tissue engineering and biomaterials, microvascular growth and remodeling, stem cell engineering.

    IRI Connections:

    Suman Das

    Suman Das

    Suman Das

    Morris M. Bryan, Jr. Chair and Professor, Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
    Director, Direct Digital Manufacturing Laboratory



    Office Location:
    MARC 255

    Direct Digital Manufacturing Laboratory

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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Additive manufacturing
    • Biomaterials
    • Conventional Energy
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    Additional Research:
    3D printing; Additive/Advanced Manufacturing; Biomaterials; Composites; Emerging Technologies; Nanocomposites; Nanomanufacturing; Manufacturing, Mechanics of Materials, Bioengineering, and Micro and Nano Engineering. Advanced manufacturing and materials processing of metallic, polymeric, ceramic, and composite materials for applications in life sciences, propulsion, and energy. Professor Das directs the Direct Digital Manufacturing Laboratory and Research Group at Georgia Tech. His research interests encompass a broad variety of interdisciplinary topics under the overall framework of advanced design, prototyping, direct digital manufacturing, and materials processing particularly to address emerging research issues in life sciences, propulsion, and energy. His ultIMaTe objectives are to investigate the science and design of innovative processing techniques for advanced materials and to invent new manufacturing methods for fabricating devices with unprecedented functionality that can yield dramatic improvements in performance, properties and costs.

    IRI Connections: