Bold Move to Columbus Marks First Semiconductor Manufacturer in Region

Speaker at podium

Prashant Patil, founder and CEO of Micromize, explains to a coalition of business, civic, and military stakeholders from Columbus, Georgia and Georgia Tech leaders why he opted to relocate his company to Columbus, Georgia from Massachusetts. (PHOTO: Chris Ruggiero)

The move is the result of strategic partnerships between Micromize, CHIPS4CHIPS (Chattahoochee Hub for Innovation and Production of Semiconductors/C4C), and several programs at Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute, including its Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC), its Georgia Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and the Center for Economic Development Research. It also signifies a collaborative effort to harness the cutting-edge innovations in semiconductor packaging available at Tech’s Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology.

"Our decision to locate in Columbus was driven by several crucial factors, and we are thrilled about the opportunities that this vibrant city presents for our growth and development,” said Prashant Patil, Micromize founder and CEO. “The work of CHIPS4CHIPS in supporting the semiconductor industry is commendable, and we are excited to be part of this innovative ecosystem.”

This exciting development was announced Tuesday, Jan. 23, at the Marcus Nanotechnology Center on Georgia Tech’s campus to a large group of state legislators and other state officials, a delegation of business and civic leaders from Columbus, and leadership from Georgia Tech and ATDC. The announcement is a true look at how statewide partnerships can lead to success for the Columbus region.

Micromize, a spinoff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, selected Georgia as its new home, in part, to take advantage of the semiconductor packaging expertise at Georgia Tech. The company plans to establish its headquarters and manufacturing facility in Columbus, further solidifying its presence in the state’s vibrant technology ecosystem. Additionally, Micromize will center its cutting-edge research and development on Georgia Tech's campus.

"The collaboration with Micromize is a significant milestone for CHIPS4CHIPS and the entire region,” said Ben Moser, president and CEO of United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley and chair of CHIPS4CHIPS. “This announcement marks the first of what we believe will be many to come, and we are thankful that Micromize recognizes the potential of our region for this industry. Columbus is poised for remarkable development, and we look forward to the positive impact that Micromize will bring to our community.”

The strategic relocation is expected to create significant economic opportunities in the region. Micromize will bring 20-25 jobs to Columbus through its headquarters and manufacturing facility, contributing to the local workforce, and fostering growth.

Micromize will center its Research & Development Lab at Georgia Tech’s 3D Systems Packaging Research Center, which is regarded as the world’s best for semiconductor packaging research. This partnership represents a synergistic collaboration of industry leaders, research institutions, and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Micromize's move to Columbus not only underscores the city's growing prominence as a technology hub, but also highlights the collaborative efforts driving innovation and economic development in the state of Georgia.

In addition to C4C’s nationally recognized workforce development efforts, the Fort Moore Army base, and its skilled workforce, the region’s proximity to a port and airport will facilitate efficient shipping, and Columbus played a pivotal role in supporting the company by providing essential infrastructure, he said.

“Our collaboration with Georgia Tech enriches our talent pool, adds exponentially to our research and development capabilities, and access to mentorship at ATDC enhances our commercialization potential,” Patil said. “We are also proud to be part of the effort to revitalize semiconductor manufacturing in the United States, with Columbus serving as our starting point as we embark on this exciting journey of growth and innovation.”

Georgia Tech, a leader in microchips and nanotechnology research, innovation, and fabrication, provides fertile ground for Micromize's relocation. The Institute’s commitment to advancing semiconductor technology aligns with the national push at the federal level (via the CHIPS and Science Act) to bring more semiconductor production to the U.S., making it more competitive in research, development, and manufacturing.

“As the state’s technology startup incubator, we’re excited to welcome Micromize into our portfolio and to support them into the next phase of growth and expansion,” said ATDC Director John Avery.

“Microchips, semiconductor packaging, and microelectronics are critical to our national economy and national security. Micromize’s choosing Georgia as its home to grow reflects what is proving to be a successful model when business, government, and research institutions such as Georgia Tech collaborate.”

Group Shot

A coalition of business and civic leaders from Columbus, Georgia and several programs at Georgia Tech, including ATDC, announced Jan. 23, 2024, that semiconductor manufacturer, Micromize, is relocating to Georgia from Massachusetts. (PHOTO: Chris Ruggiero)

Two people conversing

David Bridges, vice president of Georgia Tech's Enterprise Innovation Institute, speaks with Maj. Gen Curtis A. Buzzard, commanding general of the United States Army Maneuver Center of Excellence and Fort Moore in Columbus. Because of its skilled workforce, Fort Moore was one reason Micromize selected Georgia for its manufacturing facility. (PHOTO: Chris Ruggiero)

Speaker at front of audience

Georgia House Rep. Richard Smith, (R-Columbus), chairman of the Rules Committee, discusses how the collaboration that led to Micromize coming to Columbus could serve as a blueprint for more semiconductor companies developing in or moving to Georgia. (PHOTO: Chris Ruggiero)

News Contact

Péralte C. Paul


IMat Initiative Lead Q&A: Valeria Milam

Valeria Milam

Valeria Tohver Milam leads the Macromolecular Materials at Biotic and Abiotic Interfaces research initiative for the Institute for Materials (IMat) and the Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences at Georgia Tech. In this role, she is working to build an inclusive and active community across and beyond Georgia Tech to identify emerging research directions in macromolecular materials for biological and nonbiological applications. Milam is an associate professor in Materials Science and Engineering and a program faculty member of the Bioengineering graduate program at Georgia Tech.

In this brief Q&A, Milam discusses her research focus, how it relates to materials research, and the impact of this initiative.

What is your field of expertise and at what point in your life did you first become interested in this area?

My field of expertise lies in bio-inspired materials science and engineering. Natural macromolecular components of biological systems such as cell receptors or antibodies rely on recognition-based binding events to, for example, allow a cell to take up particular nutrients or to neutralize a specific pathogen threat. Inspired by nature’s capabilities, my group’s research strives to identify and study synthetic macromolecular materials with bio-inspired compositions and self-folded structures. I first became interested in using DNA for its recognition capabilities during my postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania. For the first several years as an assistant professor at Georgia Tech, my group used DNA duplexes as a temporary glue between particle surfaces. Our more recent efforts focus on finding oligonucleotides to function as ligands or capture agents for a specific biological or nonbiological target.

What questions or challenges sparked your current materials research?

Polymers or macromolecules hold a lot of promise as a class of materials for various applications. Synthetic macromolecules, however, pose a lot of synthesis and post-use challenges that can hinder the discovery and practical use of novel macromolecular chemistries. Natural polymers such as oligonucleotides and proteins, on the other hand, have their own elegant synthesis and degradation pathways. To promote discovery of novel macromolecular materials, my group uses nature’s reagents and building blocks to synthesize numerous artificial biopolymer candidates. Since we do not start with any sequence design rules, we rely on maximizing the composition diversity of these artificial biopolymers. We then test all candidates collectively to efficiently choose ones with the desired functionality.

Why is your initiative important to the development of Georgia Tech’s Materials research strategy?

One of the challenges to discovering macromolecular systems that are both novel and practical is the lack of design rules. For example, how does one choose the right number and composition of repeat units for a macromolecule that binds to a particular material surface or to a particular biological target. If you can take advantage of nature’s building blocks and enzymes, then you can explore a wide chemical combinatorial space without having to follow any prerequisite design rules. Better yet, you can then use your initial findings to come up with design rules to explore additional, possibly better macromolecular candidates. This approach to macromolecule discovery is inherently interdisciplinary since one must combine or adapt techniques and approaches developed by biologists, polymer scientists, and materials engineers. Thus, Georgia Tech is a great place to foster this interdisciplinary strategy to research.

What are the broader global and social benefits of the research you and your team conduct?

In addition to training members of our future workforce with interdisciplinary skill sets, we want to carve out a pathway to designing, synthesizing and using environmentally friendly, multiuse macromolecules with commercial promise.

What are your plans for engaging a wider GT faculty pool with IMat research?

Currently, we are primarily in the brainstorming stage. To this end, I am engaging with science and engineering faculty at GT as well as Emory. As cross-disciplinary ideas start to brew, we will work towards multi-PI funding opportunities that engage the broader GT faculty and community.

News Contact

Amelia Neumeister
Research Communications

Nano@Tech Spring 2024 Series | Plenty of Room at the Top and Bottom

Abstract: Advances in the theory of semiconductors in the 1930s coupled with the purification of germanium and silicon crystals in the 1940s enabled the point-contact junction transistor demonstration in 1947 and initiated the era of semiconductor electronics. Gordon Moore postulated that the number of components in an integrated circuit would double every two years with associated reduction in cost per transistor. Transistor density doubling through “scaling” with each new process node continues today, albeit at a slower pace.

Researchers Create Faster and Cheaper Way to Print Tiny Metal Structures With Light

Two men stand in a lab

Assistant professor Sourabh Saha and Jungho Choi (Ph.D. student) in front of their superluminescent light projection system at Georgia Tech. Credit: Allison Carter

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a light-based means of printing nano-sized metal structures that is significantly faster and cheaper than any technology currently available. It is a scalable solution that could transform a scientific field long reliant on technologies that are prohibitively expensive and slow. The breakthrough has the potential to bring new technologies out of labs and into the world.

Technological advances in many fields rely on the ability to print metallic structures that are nano-sized — a scale hundreds of times smaller than the width of a human hair. Sourabh Saha, assistant professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, and Jungho Choi, a Ph.D. student in Saha’s lab, developed a technique for printing metal nanostructures that is 480 times faster and 35 times cheaper than the current conventional method.

Their research was published in the journal Advanced Materials.

Printing metal on the nanoscale — a technique known as nanopatterning — allows for the creation of unique structures with interesting functions. It is crucial for the development of many technologies, including electronic devices, solar energy conversion, sensors, and other systems.

It is generally believed that high-intensity light sources are required for nanoscale printing. But this type of tool, known as a femtosecond laser, can cost up to half a million dollars and is too expensive for most research labs and small businesses.

“As a scientific community, we don’t have the ability to make enough of these nanomaterials quickly and affordably, and that is why promising technologies often stay limited to the lab and don’t get translated into real-world applications,” Saha said.

“The question we wanted to answer is, ‘Do we really need a high-intensity femtosecond laser to print on the nanoscale?’ Our hypothesis was that we don’t need that light source to get the type of printing we want.”

They searched for a low-cost, low-intensity light that could be focused in a way similar to femtosecond lasers, and chose superluminescent light emitting diodes (SLEDs) for their commercial availability. SLEDs emit light that is a billion times less intense than that of femtosecond lasers.

Saha and Choi set out to create an original projection-style printing technology, designing a system that converts digital images into optical images and displays them on a glass surface. The system operates like digital projectors but produces images that are more sharply focused. They leveraged the unique properties of the superluminescent light to generate sharply focused images with minimal defects.

They then developed a clear ink solution made up of metal salt and added other chemicals to make sure the liquid could absorb light. When light from their projection system hit the solution, it caused a chemical reaction that converted the salt solution into metal. The metal nanoparticles stuck to the surface of the glass, and the agglomeration of the metal particles creates the nanostructures. Because it is a projection type of printing, it can print an entire structure in one go, rather than point by point — making it much faster.

After testing the technique, they found that projection-style nanoscale printing is possible even with low-intensity light, but only if the images are sharply focused. Saha and Choi believe that researchers can readily replicate their work using commercially available hardware. Unlike a pricey femtosecond laser, the type of SLED that Saha and Choi used in their printer costs about $3,000.

“At present, only top universities have access to these expensive technologies, and even then, they are located in shared facilities and are not always available,” Choi said. “We want to democratize the capability of nanoscale 3D printing, and we hope our research opens the door for greater access to this type of process at a low cost.”

The researchers say their technique will be particularly useful for people working in the fields of electronics, optics, and plasmonics, which all require a variety of complex metallic nanostructures.

“I think the metrics of cost and speed have been greatly undervalued in the scientific community that works on fabrication and manufacturing of tiny structures,” Saha said.

“In the real world, these metrics are important when it comes to translating discoveries from the lab to industry. Only when we have manufacturing techniques that take these metrics into account will we be able to fully leverage nanotechnology for societal benefit.”


Citation: J. Choi, S. K. Saha, Scalable Printing of Metal Nanostructures through Superluminescent Light Projection. Adv. Mater. 2024, 36, 2308112.


Funding: Funding includes grants from the G.W.W. School of Mechanical Engineering and the EVPR’s office at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Imaging was performed at the Georgia Tech Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology, a member of the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI), which is supported by the National Science Foundation (ECCS-2025462).

A gloved hand adjusts a dial on a piece of equipment

Ph.D. student Jungho Choi controlling LED brightness levels on the SLP system. Credit: Allison Carter

The Georgia Tech logo on a black background under a microscope

Scanning electron microscope image of a printed silver Georgia Tech logo made with the researchers' SLP technique. Credit: Jungho Choi

Two men in a lab and one of them is adjusting a piece of equipment

Choi (right) carries out optical adjustment for the correct focal plane of the SLP system. Credit: Allison Carter

News Contact

Catherine Barzler, Senior Research Writer/Editor

Oliver Brand Memorial Technical Symposium

The Oliver Brand Memorial Technical Symposium is held in memory of the technical achievements of Professor Oliver Brand.

Speakers include members of the Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) research community at Georgia Tech who worked closely with Brand.


Nano@Tech Spring 2024 Series | Enabling Roll-to-Roll Manufacture of Thin Films through Conventional and Innovative Coating Processes

Abstract: In recent decades, printing and coating techniques have received interest for manufacturing of low-cost flexible electronics, membranes, electrochemical systems, packaging/encapsulation, and pharmaceuticals. The functionality of these devices and materials depends significantly on the print resolution, with typical feature sizes ranging from millimeters to microns and material properties with respect to scaled manufacture.

OPTEC Femtosecond Laser Micro-machining System Installation Presentation

The Optec LSV-Flex Micro-machining Laser System uses a femto-second laser to process practically any material through ultra-short laser pulse photo-ablation. The ultra-short laser pulse is effective on polymers, metal, glasses, single crystals, and polymorphic crystals. Materials are ionized by the laser pulse and removed from the surface in a plasma cloud, leaving a clean surface at the interaction site.

Georgia Tech Energy Materials Day

The Georgia Tech Energy Materials Day will bring together representatives from academia, government, and industry to accelerate energy materials research. It will also provide an opportunity for key stakeholders to interact with Georgia Tech researchers in this important area.