John Eric Coulter

John Eric Coulter

John Coulter

Research Scientist | Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

Eric joined PACE in 2021, and currently leads the Research Computing Facilitation team, after having worked as a Cyberinfrastructure Architect and RCF. Before joining PACE, Eric could be found at Indiana University as a systems engineer with the XSEDE Campus Bridging team, providing HPC-oriented consultations to institutions across the US. He also worked closely with the Cyberinfrastructure Research Center at IU, providing support for several different science gateway projects. Prior to that, his research in condensed matter physics at Florida State University involved computational studies of the optical properties of strongly correlated materials.

PACE Website

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Research Focus Areas:
  • High Performance Computing

IRI Connections:

Aaron Jezghani

Aaron Jezghani

Aaron Jezghani

Research Scientist | Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment

Aaron joined the PACE team in May 2019 as a computing facilitator, and currently serves as the Scheduler Architect. Through supporting users, he grew to appreciate the opportunity to improve HPC workflows through scheduler and systems configurations that lower the barrier to entry and passively optimize code execution. Additionally, Aaron has been involved in the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) program since Spring 2020, mentoring multiple teams of students with the Team Phoenix VIP through international HPC competitions at the ISC-HPC and Supercomputing conferences and more recently, providing leadership for the Future Computing with the Rogues Gallery VIP as they research applications of novel compute architectures. Prior to joining PACE, Aaron studied free neutron and nuclear beta decay as a precision test of the Standard Model, which entailed a diverse range of activities, including particle simulation and detection, digital and analog signal processing, and algorithm optimization across x86, GPU, and FPGA architectures.

PACE Website

Google Scholar

University, College, and School/Department

IRI Connections:

Aaron Drysdale

Aaron Drysdale

Aaron Drysdale

Chief Technologist - CloudHub @ GT

Aaron Drysdale, a Master of Computer Science graduate from Georgia Tech, is the Chief Technologist at the Cloud Hub. He manages the proposal process for research grants, organizes industry training sessions, and provides direct technical support to research teams utilizing cloud resources. Aaron's role also involves collaborating with Microsoft’s technical teams to resolve complex issues, ensuring seamless and efficient research progress. His expertise and proactive approach are vital to the success of the Cloud Hub's mission to advance innovative research.

University, College, and School/Department
Research Focus Areas:
  • AI
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • High Performance Computing

IRI Connections:

Ignacio Taboada

Ignacio Taboada

Ignacio Taboada


We are currently witnessing the birth of a new branch of astrophysics: high-energy astrophysics. With neutrinos we can study the high-energy Universe and peer into environments from where electromagnetic radiation can't escape. The IceCube neutrino observatory is a detector in operation at the geographic south pole. IceCube discovered, in 2013, an extragalactic flux of astrophysical neutrinos. Even though IceCube has identified two neutrino candidate sources: TXS 0506+056 (in 2018) and NGC 1068 (in 2022), the class of objects responsible for the astrophysical flux have not been unequivocally identified. Both these galaxies have Active Nuclei in which a supermassive black hole is being fed material via an accretion disk. Interestingly they are very different looking objects. TXS 0506+056 was seen with two flares of neutrinos and NGC 1068 is steady. TXS 0506+056 is seen mostly in ~50-200 TeV neutrinos, whereas NGC 1068 is seen in 1.5 to 15 TeV neutrinos. NGC 1068 is in our "neighboorhood" but TXS 0506+056 is very far away. 

The Taboada group uses IceCube data to search for astrophysical neutrino sources. Ignacio Taboada is the current spokesperson of the IceCube collaboration.


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IRI Connections:

Hyesoon Kim

Hyesoon Kim

Hyesoon Kim

Associate Professor

Dr. Hyesoon Kim received her Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests include high-performance energy-efficient computer architectures, programmer-compiler-architecture interaction, low-power high-performance embedded processors, and compiler and hardware support for dynamic optimizations, virtual machines, and binary instrumentation.


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IRI Connections:

Gonjie Li

Gonjie Li

Gonjie Li

Assistant Professor

Gongjie Li is currently an assistant professor at the School of Physics at Georgia Tech. Her research interests include dynamics of exoplanets, dynamics of compact objects as gravitational wave sources, and interactions between supermassive black holes and surrounding stars.


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IRI Connections: