Santanu Dey
Russell Chandler III Professor
Santanu S. Dey is A. Russell Chandler III Professor and associate chair of graduate studies in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Dey holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, he worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) of the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium.
Dr. Dey's research interests are in the area of non convex optimization, and in particular mixed integer linear and nonlinear programming. His research is partly motivated by applications of non convex optimization arising in areas such as electrical power engineering, process engineering, civil engineering, logistics, and statistics. Dr. Dey has served as the vice chair for Integer Programming for INFORMS Optimization Society (2011-2013) and has served on the program committees of Mixed Integer Programming Workshop 2013 and Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization 2017, 2020. He currently serves on the editorial board of Computational Optimization and Applications, MOS-SIAM book series on Optimization, is an associate editor for Mathematics of Operations Research, Mathematical Programming A, and SIAM Journal on Optimization. He has been as associate editor for INFORMS Journal on Computing and an area editor for Mathematical Programming C.
(404) 385-7483
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Groseclose, 443
Mixed Integer Linear Programming, Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming, Global Optimization, Energy Systems, Optimization in Engineering
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