Marc Weissburg

Marc Weissburg

Marc Weissburg

Professor, School of Biological Sciences
Brook Byers Professor


Office Location:
ES&T 2238

School of Biological Sciences Profile Page

Google Scholar

Research Focus Areas:
  • Biobased Materials
Additional Research:
Bio-inspired materials

IRI Connections:

Jian Luo

Jian Luo

Jian Luo

BBISS Lead: Coastal Urban Flooding

Dr. Jian Luo completed his undergraduate and M.S. studies at Tsinghua University, Beijing, where he received a B.Sc.(Eng.) and a M.S. degree in Environmental Engineering in 1998 and 2000, respectively. He completed his Ph.D. in 2006 in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University, California. The research Dr. Luo is conducting involves field, theoretical, and computational investigations of flow and reactive transport in subsurface; development and application of geostatistical methods for the spatial and temporal analysis of hydrogeologic and biochemistry data; development of computational algorithms and programs to simulate subsurface flow and reactive transport, and to assess the associated uncertainty; inverse modeling to estimate flow and transport parameters under uncertainty; and use of such computational methods and models to assess subsurface contamination, and to aid the optimal design of groundwater remediation operations.

(404) 385-6390

Departmental Bio

  • BBISS Initiative Lead Project - Coastal Urban Flooding in a Changing Climate
  • Research Focus Areas:
    • Energy Generation, Storage, and Distribution
    Additional Research:
    Geosystems; Water

    IRI Connections:

    Constance Crozier

    Constance Crozier

    Constance Crozier

    Assistant Professor

    I am an Assistant Professor at Georgia Tech ISyE. My research concerns the control and operation of decarbonized power systems, particularly with the integration of flexible loads such as electric vehicles. I got my Ph.D. from the University of Oxford in the Energy and Power Group, and completed my postdoc in the GRIFFIN Lab at CU Boulder.

    Constance Crozier School Webpage

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Electric Vehicles
    Additional Research:
    Power systems and Electric vehicles

    IRI Connections:

    Zhaohui (Julene) Tong

    Zhaohui (Julene) Tong

    Zhaohui (Julene) Tong

    Associate Professor
    RBI Lead: Waste Valorization in Food-Energy-Water

    The Tong Lab tackles challenges in the interdisciplinary areas of bioresource engineering and sustainable chemistry. We develop innovative technologies for producing chemicals, materials, energy, and fuels from renewable resources.

    Current research interests include:

    • Functional biomaterials for high-efficiency circular economy
    • Platform chemicals and hydrocarbon fuels from renewable resources
    • Sustainable process control and modeling
    • Nano-biomaterial synthesis and self-assembling
    • Polymer degradation and recycling


    • Materials and Nanotechnology

    • Energy and Sustainability


    Office Location:
    ES&T 2226


    Research Focus Areas:
    • Biochemicals
    • Biorefining
    • Energy
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    • Pulp & Paper Manufacturing
    • Sustainable Engineering
    • Sustainable Manufacturing

    IRI Connections:

    Akanksha Menon

    Akanksha Menon

    Akanksha Menon

    Assistant Professor

    Dr. Akanksha Menon is an Assistant Professor in the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech. Prior to this, she was a Rosenfeld Postdoctoral Fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where she performed research on hybrid membrane-thermal desalination processes using solar energy, and she also contributed to the development of thermal energy storage materials. Dr. Menon completed her Ph.D. at Georgia Tech, where she focused on developing semiconducting polymers and new device architectures for thermoelectric energy harvesting. She holds a bachelor's degree from Texas A&M University at Qatar, as well as a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech.

    Her research group at Georgia Tech is working on technologies for the water-energy nexus.

    Akanksha Menon Profile

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Combustion
    • Energy
    • Renewable Energy

    IRI Connections:

    Baabak Ashuri

    Baabak Ashuri

    Baabak Ashuri


    Baabak Ashuri is Professor in Schools of Building Construction, and Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Fellow of Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems at Georgia Tech. His research/teaching occupy a distinctive position, bridging the fields of building construction, civil and environmental engineering, economics, and operations research. His work has focused on Quantitative Methods for Construction Engineering and Management with important contributions in the areas of construction analytics, innovative project delivery, and valuation of green-energy investments. He has 159 publications, including 44 refereed-journal papers, and secured $6.77M funding from NSF, FHWA, DOE, CII, GDOT, and Perkins+Will, to name a few. The impact of Dr. Ashuri’s research was recognized by several awards (CII/FIATECH Outstanding Early Career Researcher, ASCE Thomas Fitch Rowland, ASC National Research Faculty, DBIA Distinguished Leadership, and AASHTO High-Value Research “Sweet Sixteen”). Dr. Ashuri has chaired the ASCE Construction Research Council (CRC) and currently serves on the ASCE Construction Institute (CI) Board of Governors.

    (404) 385-7608

    Departmental Bio

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Energy Utilization and Conservation
    Additional Research:
    Building Technologies; System Design & Optimization

    IRI Connections:

    Kevin Caravati

    Kevin Caravati

    Kevin Caravati

    GTRI Liaison for Sustainability Research
    Principal Research Scientist
    Manager, Energy and Sustainability Research Program

    Mr. Caravati is a Principal and Founder of Applied Plasma Arc Technologies, LLC and a Senior Research Scientist and Professional Geologist at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), the applied research arm of the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Geology from the University of Dayton, Ohio, and a Master of Science in Geology-Hydrogeology track from the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. He earned a Master’s degree in Business Administration (International Business) from the Stetson School of Business and Economics at Mercer University in Atlanta. He began work with GTRI in 2002.

    Mr. Caravati served as a Hydrogeologist, Project Manager, and Project Director for a wide range of water resources and water quality projects in the United States, Mexico and England. He has led numerous water resource investigations that included delineating watersheds using aerial imagery and GIS tools, well installation and testing programs, monitoring and field data collection programs, and developing ground water flow and contaminant transport models for predictive studies. Since 2008, he served as Director of the Environmental Safety and Occupational Health Programs at GTRI, and as Program Manager for environmental engineering research for a global services provider. Mr. Caravati also served as a research lead in Georgia Tech’s Plasma Arc Research Facility. 

    Mr. Caravati’s areas of research include the design and prototyping of dry sanitation systems; testing of chemical and biological sensor systems for environmental applications; modeling of renewable energy systems for rural areas; water supply and wastewater studies for sustainability and energy efficiency; and water resource investigations for rural watersheds in developing countries. He serves as a Research Advisor to Georgia Tech’s Engineering Students Without Borders chapter, and in 2007 he led or participated in projects in Angola, Bolivia, and Yellowstone National Park, and served in an advisory capacity for projects in Kenya, Japan, Korea, Guam, and Ireland.

    (404) 407-8058

    Departmental Bio

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Renewable Energy
    Additional Research:

    IRI Connections:

    Elsa Reichmanis

    Elsa Reichmanis

    Elsa Reichmanis

    Professor Emeritus

    Elsa Reichmanis is Anderson Chair in Chemical Engineering in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Lehigh University. Prior to joining Lehigh, she was Professor and Pete Silas Chair in Chemical Engineering in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She started her independent career at Bell Labs where she was Bell Labs Fellow and Director of the Materials Research Department. She received her PhD and BS degrees in chemistry from Syracuse University. Her research interests include the chemistry, properties, and application of materials technologies for photonic and electronic applications. She has had impact in the design of new imaging chemistries for advanced lithographic applications, and designed one of the first readily accessible and manufacturable polymers for advanced silicon device manufacturing using 193 nm lithography. 

    The Reichmanis research group is currently exploring polymeric and hybrid organic/inorganic materials chemistries for a range of device and electronic and sustainable energy applications. Her research, at the interface of chemical engineering, chemistry, materials science, optics, and electronics, spans from fundamental concept to technology development and implementation, with particular focus on polymeric and nanostructured materials for advanced technologies. Currently, efforts aim to identify fundamental parameters that will enable sub-nanometer scale dimensional control of organic, polymer and/or hybrid materials for applications including transistor devices, photovoltaics, and high-capacity energy storage. 

    Reichmanis was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1995 and has participated in several National Research Council (NRC) activities. She was an elected member of the Bureau of the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC); and has been active in the American Chemical Society throughout her career, having served as 2003 President of the Society. Elsa Reichmanis is the recipient of several awards, including the ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials (2018), the ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science (1999), the ASM Engineering Materials Achievement Award (1996), and the Society of Chemical Industry’s Perkin Medal (2001). In other service, she is an Executive Editor of the ACS Journal Chemistry of Materials. 

    The Reichmanis Group works at the interface of chemical engineering, chemistry, materials science, optics, and electronics spanning the range from fundamental concept to technology development and implementation. Research interests include the chemistry, properties and applications of materials technologies for electronic and photonic applications, with particular focus on polymeric and nanostructured materials for advanced technologies. in paper-based battery applications as well.

    (404) 894-0316


  • Departmental Bio
  • Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biochemicals
    • Biorefining
    • Biotechnology
    • Delivery & Storage
    • Pulp Paper Packaging & Tissue
    • Renewable Energy
    • Sustainable Engineering
    • Sustainable Manufacturing
    Additional Research:
    Energy Storage; Solar; Biochemicals; Chemical Feedstocks; New Materials; Coatings & Barriers; Biorefining; Energy & Water; Biomaterials

    IRI Connections:

    Valerie Thomas

    Valerie Thomas

    Valerie Thomas

    Anderson-Interface Chair of Natural Systems
    RBI Initiative Lead: Sustainability Analysis

    Valerie Thomas is the Anderson-Interface Chair of Natural Systems and Professor in the H. Milton School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, with a joint appointment in the School of Public Policy. 

    Dr. Thomas's research interests are energy and materials efficiency, sustainability, industrial ecology, technology assessment, international security, and science and technology policy. Current research projects include low carbon transportation fuels, carbon capture, building construction, and electricity system development. Dr. Thomas is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and of the American Physical Society. She has been an American Physical Society Congressional Science Fellow, a Member of the U.S. EPA Science Advisory Board, and a Member of the USDA/DOE Biomass Research and Development Technical Advisory Committee. 

    She has worked at Princeton University in the Princeton Environmental Institute and in the Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, and at Carnegie Mellon University in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy.

    Dr. Thomas received a B. A. in physics from Swarthmore College and a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Cornell University.

    (404) 894-0390

    ISyE Profile

  • Website
  • Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biochemicals
    • Biorefining
    • Biotechnology
    • Gigatechnology
    • Hydrogen Storage & Transport
    • Hydrogen Utilization
    • Pulp Paper Packaging & Tissue
    • Renewable Energy
    • Social & Environmental Impacts
    • Sustainable Engineering
    • Sustainable Manufacturing
    • Use & Conservation
    Additional Research:
    Hydrogen Transport/Storage; Biofuels; ClIMaTe/Environment; Electric Vehicles; System Design & Optimization; Energy and Materials Efficiency; Sustainability; Industrial Ecology; Technology Assessment; Science and Technology Policy

    IRI Connections: