Saad Bhamla

Saad Bhamla

Saad Bhamla

Assistant Professor

Saad Bhamla studies biomechanics across species to engineer knowledge and tools that inspire curiosity.

Saad Bhamla is an assistant professor of biomolecular engineering at Georgia Tech. A self-proclaimed "tinkerer," his lab is a trove of discoveries and inventions that span biology, physics and engineering. His current projects include studying the hydrodynamics of insect urine, worm blob locomotion and ultra-low-cost devices for global health. His work has appeared in the New York Times, the Economist, CNN, Wired, NPR, the Wall Street Journal and more.

Saad is a prolific inventor and his most notable inventions includes a 20-cent paper centrifuge, a 23-cent electroporator, and the 96-cent hearing aid. Saad's work is recognised by numerous awards including a NIH R35 Outstanding Investigator Award, NSF CAREER Award, CTL/BP Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, and INDEX: Design to Improve Life Award. Saad is also a National Geographic Explorer and a TED speaker. Newsweek recognized Saad as 1 of 10 Innovators disrupting healthcare.

Saad is a co-founder of Piezo Therapeutics.

Outside of the lab, Saad loves to go hiking with his partner and two dogs (Ollie and Bella).


Office Location:
ES&T L1224


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biochemicals
    • Biomaterials
    • Biorefining
    • Biotechnology
    • Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics
    • Pulp Paper Packaging & Tissue
    • Sustainable Manufacturing
    Additional Research:
    Biotechnology; Complex Systems; Materials and Nanotechnology. The Bhamla Lab explores fundamental and applied research questions through the development of new experimental tools and techniques at the intersection of soft matter, organismic physics and global health. Ultra-fast Organismic Physics Biologists are just starting to systematically examine ultrafast motion across species (jellyfish, mantis shrimp, trap-jaw ants), some of which achieve accelerations exceeding a million g-forces in nanoseconds. At the single-cell level, the physical biology of ultra-fast motility remains poorly understood. What is the fastest motion a single cell can achieve? How do single-cell organisms amplify power and survive repeated high accelerations? These fundamental questions guide our exploration of several non-model unicellular and multicellular organisms to uncover the principles of extreme motility at cellular scales. Biological Soft Matter Our bodies are composed almost entirely of soft, wet, squishy materials. How do the fundamental principles of soft matter and complex fluids enable us to grasp dynamic processes, from the self-assembly of proteins to the stretching of a spider web? We study a spectrum of biological soft matter, from the tears on our eyes to biological foams from insects, with the goal of connecting the microscale structures (lipids, proteins) to their consequences for macroscale biological function (contact lens-eye interaction, microbiome health). As engineers, we leverage this understanding for human-health applications, ranging from diagnostics and monitoring to artificial therapeutic replacements and biomedical devices. Frugal Science and GlobalHealth Today, although information is free to anyone with internet, access to scientific tools and healthcare devices still has many barriers. How do we design and build tools that are scientifically rigorous, but cost a few cents on the dollar? Driven by the spirit of doing “frugal science”, we box ourselves in to find out of the box solutions for global challenges in science education, agriculture, and healthcare. Projects in this area include field-work, science outreach, and citizen-science initiatives. Disciplines: Biotechnology Complex Systems Materials and Nanotechnology

    IRI Connections:

    Martha Grover

    Martha Grover

    Martha Grover

    Professor, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    James Harris Faculty Fellow, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Member, NSF/NASA Center for Chemical Evolution

    Grover’s research activities in process systems engineering focus on understanding macromolecular organization and the emergence of biological function. Discrete atoms and molecules interact to form macromolecules and even larger mesoscale assemblies, ultimately yielding macroscopic structures and properties. A quantitative relationship between the nanoscale discrete interactions and the macroscale properties is required to design, optimize, and control such systems; yet in many applications, predictive models do not exist or are computationally intractable.

    The Grover group is dedicated to the development of tractable and practical approaches for the engineering of macroscale behavior via explicit consideration of molecular and atomic scale interactions. We focus on applications involving the kinetics of self-assembly, specifically those in which methods from non-equilibrium statistical mechanics do not provide closed form solutions. General approaches employed include stochastic modeling, model reduction, machine learning, experimental design, robust parameter design, and estimation.


    Office Location:
    ES&T 1228

    Grover Group

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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Electronic Materials
    • Molecular Evolution
    • Nuclear
    Additional Research:
    Colloids; Crystallization; Organic and Inorganic Photonics and Electronics; Polymers; Discrete atoms and molecules interact to form macromolecules and even larger mesoscale assemblies, ultIMaTely yielding macroscopic structures and properties. A quantitative relationship between the nanoscale discrete interactions and the macroscale properties is required to design, optimize, and control such systems; yet in many applications, predictive models do not exist or are computationally intractable. The Grover group is dedicated to the development of tractable and practical approaches for the engineering of macroscale behavior via explicit consideration of molecular and atomic scale interactions. We focus on applications involving the kinetics of self-assembly, specific those in which methods from non-equilibrium statistical mechanics do not provide closed form solutions. General approaches employed include stochastic modeling, model reduction, machine learning, experimental design, robust parameter design, estIMaTion, and optimal control, monitoring and control for nuclear waste processing and polymer organic electronics

    IRI Connections:

    Julie Champion

    Julie Champion

    Julie Champion

    Professor, School Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    Julie Champion is the William R. McLain Endowed Term Professor in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. She earned her B.S.E. in chemical engineering from the University of Michigan and Ph.D. in chemical engineering at the University of California Santa Barbara. She was an NIH postdoctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology. Champion is a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering and has received awards including American Chemical Society Women Chemists Committee Rising Star, NSF BRIGE Award, Georgia Tech Women in Engineering Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, Georgia Tech BioEngineering Program Outstanding Advisor Award. Professor Champion’s current research focuses on design and self-assembly of functional nanomaterials made from engineered proteins for applications in immunology, cancer, and biocatalysis.


    Office Location:
    EBB 5015

    Champion Lab

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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biomaterials
    • Cancer Biology
    • Drug Design, Development and Delivery
    • Regenerative Medicine
    Additional Research:
    Cellular Materials; Drug Delivery; Self-Assembly; "Developing therapeutic protein materials, where the protein is both the drug and thedelivery system Engineering proteins to control and understand protein particleself-assembly Repurposing and engineering pathogenic proteins for human therapeutics Creating materials that mimic cell-cell interactions to modulate immunologicalfunctions for various applications, including inflammation, cancer, autoimmune disease, and vaccination"

    IRI Connections:

    Andreas Bommarius

    Andreas Bommarius

    Andreas Bommarius

    RBI Initiative Lead: A Renewables-based Economy from WOOD (ReWOOD)

    Andreas (Andy) S. Bommarius is a professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering as well of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA.  He received his diploma in Chemistry in 1984 at the Technical University of Munich, Germany and his Chemical Engineering B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1982 and 1989 at MIT, Cambridge, MA.

    From 1990-2000, he led the Laboratory of Enzyme Catalysis at Degussa (now Evonik) in Wolfgang, Germany, where his work ranged from immobilizing homogenous catalysts in membrane reactors to large-scale cofactor-regenerated redox reactions to pharma intermediates.

    At Georgia Tech since 2000, his research interests cover green chemistry and biomolecular engineering, specifically biocatalyst development and protein stability studies.  His lab applies data-driven protein engineering to improve protein properties on catalysts ranging from ene and nitro reductases to cellobiohydrolases.  Bommarius has guided the repositioning of the curriculum towards Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering by developing new courses in Process Design, Biocatalysis and Metabolic Engineering, as well as Drug Design, Development, and Delivery (D4), an interdisciplinary course with Mark Prausnitz.

    Andy Bommarius in 2008 became a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering.  Since 2010, he is Director of the NSF-I/UCR Center for Pharmaceutical Development (CPD), a Center focusing on process development, drug substance and product stability, and novel analytical methods for the characterization of drug substances and excipients.


    Office Location:
    EBB 5018


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biochemicals
    • Biorefining
    • Biotechnology
    • Drug Design, Development and Delivery
    • Molecular Evolution
    • Pulp Paper Packaging & Tissue
    • Renewable Energy
    • Sustainable Manufacturing
    Additional Research:
    Biomolecular engineering, especially biocatalysis, biotransformations, and biocatalyst stability. Biofuels. Enzymatic Processing; Biochemicals; Chip Activation.

    IRI Connections:

    Thomas Gartner

    Thomas Gartner

    Thomas Gartner

    Assistant Professor

    Departmental Bio

  • Thomas Gartner Research Website
  • Research Focus Areas:
    • Energy
    • Energy Storage
    • Materials for Energy
    Additional Research:
    Materials for energy conversion and storage. Polymer sustainability, polymer degradation, polymer recycling & upcycling Polymer physics, solution processing of polymers, polymer architecture effects Polymer- and nanoparticle-based electrical & optical nanomaterials Liquid state theory, molecular simulations, and statistical mechanics Developing machine learning interaction potentials to predict the properties and phase behavior of fluids and materials

    IRI Connections:

    Mark Styczynski

    Mark Styczynski

    Mark Styczynski


    Mark Styczynski is an Associate Professor in the School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), doing research at the interface of synthetic and systems biology as applied to metabolic systems. His synthetic biology work focuses on the development of low-cost, minimal-equipment biosensors for the diagnosis of nutritional deficiencies in the developing world. His systems biology work uses computational and experimental methods to characterize metabolic dynamics and regulation using metabolomics data. He has received young investigator awards from the NSF, DARPA, and ORAU. He has won multiple department-and institute-level teaching awards at Georgia Tech. He founded and was the first president of the Metabolomics Association of North America (MANA), and is a Council Member in the Engineering BiologyResearch Consortium.


    Office Location:
    EBB 4013


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Cancer Biology
    • Chemical Biology
    • Drug Design, Development and Delivery
    • Regenerative Medicine
    • Renewable Energy
    • Systems Biology
    Additional Research:
    Modelling and controlling metabolic dynamics and regulation (metabolic engineering). Biofuels. Systems biology-based experimental and bioinformatics analysis of metabolism Synthetic biology for the development of biosensors and diagnostics The main focus of theStyczynski groupis the experimental and computational study of the dynamics and regulation of metabolism, with ultIMaTe applications in metabolic engineering, biotechnology, and biosensors/diagnostics.

    IRI Connections:

    Zhaohui (Julene) Tong

    Zhaohui (Julene) Tong

    Zhaohui (Julene) Tong

    Associate Professor
    RBI Lead: Waste Valorization in Food-Energy-Water

    The Tong Lab tackles challenges in the interdisciplinary areas of bioresource engineering and sustainable chemistry. We develop innovative technologies for producing chemicals, materials, energy, and fuels from renewable resources.

    Current research interests include:

    • Functional biomaterials for high-efficiency circular economy
    • Platform chemicals and hydrocarbon fuels from renewable resources
    • Sustainable process control and modeling
    • Nano-biomaterial synthesis and self-assembling
    • Polymer degradation and recycling


    • Materials and Nanotechnology

    • Energy and Sustainability


    Office Location:
    ES&T 2226


    Research Focus Areas:
    • Biochemicals
    • Biorefining
    • Energy
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    • Pulp & Paper Manufacturing
    • Sustainable Engineering
    • Sustainable Manufacturing

    IRI Connections:

    J. Carson Meredith

    J. Carson Meredith

    J. Carson Meredith

    Executive Director of the Renewable Bioproducts Institute
    Professor and James Harris Faculty Fellow, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    Meredith is the Executive Director of the Georgia Tech Renewable Bioproducts Institute, and the James Harris Faculty Fellow in ChBE.

    Meredith's group researches the surfaces and interfaces of advanced materials. Their work aims to apply fundamentals of polymer, surface and colloid science to find new ways to engineer materials useful to society and industry. In particular, projects emphasize the utilization of renewable components and sustainable processing to achieve circular manufacturing and use of plastics, composites, foams and coatings, among others. Many of these materials are critical for food security, energy efficiency, and are closely connected to greenhouse gas reduction.


    Office Location:
    ES&T 1212

    ChBE Profile Page

  • The Meredith Group
  • Renewable Bioproducts Institute
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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biochemicals
    • Biorefining
    • Biotechnology
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    • Pulp Paper Packaging & Tissue
    • Sustainable Manufacturing
    Additional Research:
    Catalysis; Cellulosic Nanomaterials; Separation Technologies; Nanocellulose Applications; Aerogels & Hydrogels; Films & Coatings; Coatings & Barriers; Biomaterials

    IRI Connections:

    Elsa Reichmanis

    Elsa Reichmanis

    Elsa Reichmanis

    Professor Emeritus

    Elsa Reichmanis is Anderson Chair in Chemical Engineering in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Lehigh University. Prior to joining Lehigh, she was Professor and Pete Silas Chair in Chemical Engineering in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She started her independent career at Bell Labs where she was Bell Labs Fellow and Director of the Materials Research Department. She received her PhD and BS degrees in chemistry from Syracuse University. Her research interests include the chemistry, properties, and application of materials technologies for photonic and electronic applications. She has had impact in the design of new imaging chemistries for advanced lithographic applications, and designed one of the first readily accessible and manufacturable polymers for advanced silicon device manufacturing using 193 nm lithography. 

    The Reichmanis research group is currently exploring polymeric and hybrid organic/inorganic materials chemistries for a range of device and electronic and sustainable energy applications. Her research, at the interface of chemical engineering, chemistry, materials science, optics, and electronics, spans from fundamental concept to technology development and implementation, with particular focus on polymeric and nanostructured materials for advanced technologies. Currently, efforts aim to identify fundamental parameters that will enable sub-nanometer scale dimensional control of organic, polymer and/or hybrid materials for applications including transistor devices, photovoltaics, and high-capacity energy storage. 

    Reichmanis was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1995 and has participated in several National Research Council (NRC) activities. She was an elected member of the Bureau of the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC); and has been active in the American Chemical Society throughout her career, having served as 2003 President of the Society. Elsa Reichmanis is the recipient of several awards, including the ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials (2018), the ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science (1999), the ASM Engineering Materials Achievement Award (1996), and the Society of Chemical Industry’s Perkin Medal (2001). In other service, she is an Executive Editor of the ACS Journal Chemistry of Materials. 

    The Reichmanis Group works at the interface of chemical engineering, chemistry, materials science, optics, and electronics spanning the range from fundamental concept to technology development and implementation. Research interests include the chemistry, properties and applications of materials technologies for electronic and photonic applications, with particular focus on polymeric and nanostructured materials for advanced technologies. in paper-based battery applications as well.

    (404) 894-0316


  • Departmental Bio
  • Research Focus Areas:
    • Biobased Materials
    • Biochemicals
    • Biorefining
    • Biotechnology
    • Delivery & Storage
    • Pulp Paper Packaging & Tissue
    • Renewable Energy
    • Sustainable Engineering
    • Sustainable Manufacturing
    Additional Research:
    Energy Storage; Solar; Biochemicals; Chemical Feedstocks; New Materials; Coatings & Barriers; Biorefining; Energy & Water; Biomaterials

    IRI Connections:

    Krista Walton

    Krista Walton

    Krista Walton

    Professor, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Robert "Bud" Moeller Faculty Fellow, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Associate Dean for Research and Innovation, College of Engineering

    Krista S. Walton is the Associate Dean for Research & Innovation in the College of Engineering and Professor and Robert "Bud" Moeller Faculty Fellow in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Georgia Tech. She received her B.S.E. in chemical engineering from the University of Alabama-Huntsville in 2000 and obtained her Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Vanderbilt University in 2005, working with Prof. M. Douglas LeVan. Prof. Walton completed an ACS PRF Postdoctoral Fellowship at Northwestern University in 2006 under the direction of Prof. Randall Snurr.

    Her research program focuses on the design, synthesis, and characterization of functional porous materials for use in adsorption applications including carbon dioxide capture and air purification. She has published > 80 peer-reviewed articles and presented dozens of plenary lectures and invited seminars. Prof. Walton currently serves as an Associate Editor for the ACS Journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, and is the Director and Lead PI of Georgia Tech’s DOE Energy Frontier Research Center, UNCAGE-ME. Prof. Walton’s accomplishments have been recognized by many prestigious awards including the inaugural International Adsorption Society Award for Excellence in Publications by a Young Member of the Society (2013) and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (2008).


    Office Location:
    Bunger-Henry 421

    Nanomaterials & Adsorption Lab

  • ChBE Profile Page
  • Research Focus Areas:
    • Aerogels & Hydrogels
    • Biochemicals
    • Carbon Capture
    • Catalysis
    • Energy & Water
    • Environmental Processes
    • Materials for Energy
    • Separation Technologies
    Additional Research:
    CO2 Capture; Climate Change Mitigation; Metal-Organic Frameworks; Separation Membranes; Biofuels; Carbon Capture; Catalysis; Separations Technology; Environmental Processes; Energy & Water; Separation Technologies; Aerogels & Hydrogels; Biochemicals

    IRI Connections: