Seung-Kyum Choi

Seung-Kyum Choi

Seung-Kyum Choi

Associate Professor, Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering

Seung-Kyum Choi directly began at Georgia Tech in Fall 2006 as an assistant professor. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, he was a research assistant at Wright State University, conducting research on uncertainty quantification techniques for the analytical certification of complex engineered systems.


Office Location:
MARC 260

Google Scholar

Research Focus Areas:
  • Computational Materials Science
Additional Research:
Additive/Advanced Manufacturing; Computer-Aided Engineering; Materials Failure and Reliability; Modeling; Uncertainty Modeling

IRI Connections:

Naresh Thadhani

Naresh Thadhani

Naresh Thadhani

Professor and Chair, School of Materials Science and Engineering

Thadhani joined the faculty in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech in September, 1992. His research focuses on studies of shock-induced physical, chemical, and mechanical changes for processing of novel materials and for probing the deformation and fracture response of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites, subjected to high-rate impact loading conditions. He has developed state-of-the-art high-strain-rate laboratory which includes 80-mm and 7.62-mm diameter single-stage gas-guns, and a laser-accelerated thin-foil set-up, to perform impact experiments at velocities of 70 to 1200 m/s. The experiments employ time-resolved diagnostics to monitor shock-initiated events with nanosecond resolution employing piezoelectric and piezoresistive stress gauges, VISAR interferometry, Photonic-doppler-velocimetry, and high-speed digital imaging, combined with the ability to recover impacted materials for post-mortem microstructural characterization and determination of other properties. He has built computational capabilities employing continuum simulations for design of experiments and development and validation of constitutive equations, as well as for meso-scale discrete particle numerical analysis (using CTH and ALE3D codes) to determine the effects observed during shock compression of heterogeneous materials, using real microstructures.


Office Location:
Love 286

MSE Profile Page

  • High-Strain Rate Laboratory
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    Additional Research:
    deformation and degradation; fracture and fatigue; Ceramics; Materials Failure and Reliability; Materials In Extreme Environments; Materials Testing

    IRI Connections:

    Robert F. Speyer

    Robert F. Speyer

    Robert F. Speyer

    Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering

    Speyer joined the MSE faculty in August, 1992 after serving on the faculty at the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University for six years.  He has written one book (Thermal Analysis of Materials), with another one on the way, published over 125 refereed papers and has given over 150 technical presentations.

    His present research group consists of seven graduate students and one Ph.D-level scientist. Dr. Speyer’s research has been funded by Navy, ARO, AFOSR, DARPA, Gas Research Institute, and private industry.  He was previously the president of Innovative Thermal Systems, a thermoanalytical scientific instrument company, and is presently the President of Verco Materials, a start-up company which will manufacture boron carbide armor .

    He teaches courses in Chemical Thermodynamics of Materials, Thermal and Transport Properties of Materials, and Ceramic Technology.


    Office Location:
    Love 260

    MSE Profile Page

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    Additional Research:
    Thermal management; Ceramics; Modeling; Fabrication

    IRI Connections:

    Mary Lynn Realff

    Mary Lynn Realff

    Mary Lynn Realff

    Associate Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering
    Associate Chair for Undergrad Programs, School of Materials Science and Engineering

    Mary Lynn Realff is an Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). She received her BS Textile Engineering from Georgia Tech and her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and Polymer Science and Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

    Her current research is focused on Effective Team Dynamics for both undergraduate and graduate students. The Effective Team Dynamics Initiative develops curriculum and workshops that enable students to gain the competencies to work effectively in teams and for faculty to gain the competencies to guide students through challenging team dynamics is making a positive impacts at Georgia Tech.


    Office Location:
    MRDC 1 4510

    MSE Profile Page

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    Additional Research:
    Polymers; Fibers; Modeling

    IRI Connections:

    Mo Li

    Mo Li

    Mo Li

    Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering
    Director, Computational Materials Science Group

    Professor Mo Li received his Ph.D. in applied physics in 1994 from California Institute of Technology under the supervision of Professor William L. Johnson and Professor William A. Goddard.

    After a brief staying as a postdoctoral fellow at Caltech and the Argonne National Laboratory, he joined Morgan Stanley & Co. in New York. He came back to academia in 1998. From 1998 to 2001 he was an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins University. Currently he is a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology.


    Office Location:
    Love 365

    MSE Profile Page

  • Computational Materials Science Group
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Computational Materials Science
    Additional Research:
    computational mechanics; micro and nanomechanics; Nanomaterials; Materials In Extreme Environments

    IRI Connections:

    Arun Gokhale

    Arun Gokhale

    Arun Gokhale

    Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering

    Arun M. Gokhale is a Professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to joining the Georgia Tech faculty in 1989, Gokhale’s work history encompassed fifteen years of teaching, and industrial research and development experience. Gokhale holds a B.Tech (1970) and M.Tech (1972) in Metallurgical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering (1977) from the University of Florida. 

    Gokhale’s research interests include quantitative fractography, damage evolution in composites, microstructural evolution during deformation and fracture, with primary focus on quantitative description of microstructure and its evolution during materials processes.

    Gokhale has written 200 papers in reputed scientific journals and conference proceedings. He has given more than 100 invited lectures in the national and international conferences and seminars. He is a Fellow of ASM International. He served as Vice President of International Society for Stereology (1992-96). He has served on the editorial boards of several international journals.


    Office Location:
    Love 265

    MSE Profile Page

    Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Computational Materials Science
    Additional Research:
    Composites; computational mechanics; deformation and degradation; micro and nanomechanics

    IRI Connections:

    Josh Kacher

    Josh Kacher

    Josh Kacher

    Associate Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering

    Josh Kacher joined Georgia Tech’s Materials Science and Engineering department as an assistant professor in Fall of 2015. Prior to his appointment, he was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Berkeley. There, he worked in collaboration with General Motors to understand the Portevin-le Chatelier effect in Al-Mg and with the navy to develop novel rhenium-replacement alloys. His research approach centered on applying in situ TEM deformation to understand the influence of local chemistry on the behavior of defects such as dislocations and twins. This was coupled with mesoscale characterization of the defect state using EBSD for multiscale characterization of the deformation processes.

    His Ph.D. and Masters work similarly focused on applying multiscale electron microscopy techniques to understanding defect behavior in a variety of systems such as ion-irradiated stainless steels, materials at elevated temperatures, and Mg alloys for light-weight alloy development.


    Office Location:
    Love 282

    MSE Profile Page

  • Kacher Lab
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    Additional Research:
    Materials In Extreme Environments; corrosion; deformation and degradation; Advanced Characterization; micro and nanomechanics; fracture and fatigue

    IRI Connections:

    Waymond R. Scott

    Waymond R. Scott

    Waymond R Scott

    Joseph M. Pettit Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Professor Scott was born in Calhoun, GA. He received the B.E.E., M.S.E.E., and Ph.D. degrees from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1980, 1982, and 1985, respectively.

    He joined the Georgia Tech faculty in 1986 where he teaches and performs research in the area of applied electromagnetics and acoustics. As part of the teaching, he is interested in using computers to enhance the learning experience of students and has developed computer based visualization tools and animations to help students understand some of the more difficult aspects of electromagnetics.


    Office Location:
    VL W307

    ECE Profile Page

  • Personal Research Site
  • Research Focus Areas:
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    Additional Research:
    Acoustics and Dynamics; Computer-Aided Engineering; micro and nanomechanics

    IRI Connections:

    William Hunt

    William Hunt

    William Hunt

    Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Director, Microelectronic Acoustics Group

    Hunt grew up in the literary haven of Columbus, Mississippi, the boyhood home of Tennessee Williams, and received his B.S.E.E. from the University of Alabama in 1976. He worked for Harris Corporation for two years in the areas of acousto-optics and surface acoustic wave (SAW). He then entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he earned his S.M.E.E. in 1980 and conducted research in the field of auditory physiology. After four years with Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc. he entered the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana where he received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 1987. His research there was on acoustic charge transport (ACT) devices and the SAW properties of Gallium Arsenide.

    Hunt joined the faculty of the Georgia Institute of Technology in the fall of 1987 as one of the original members of the Pettit Microsystems Research Center. There he founded the Microelectronic Acoustics Group which focuses on the development of ultrasonic devices that can be integrated with Microsystems. Among these have been, ACT devices, micromachined polyvinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene (PVDF)-based transducers for intravascular ultrasound, acousto-optic devices for tunable lasers as well as SAW and bulk acoustic wave (BAW) devices for wireless and chemical sensor applications.


    Office Location:
    MiRC 221

    Microelectronic Acoustics Group

  • ECE Profile Page
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Electronic Materials
    Additional Research:
    Piezoelectronic Materials; Thin Films; Acoustics and Dynamics; Bio-Devices; Fabrication

    IRI Connections:

    William Doolittle

    William Doolittle

    William Doolittle

    Joseph M. Pettit Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    During my research career I have observed “new” material systems develop and offer promise of wondrous device performance improvements over the current state of the art. Many of these promises have been kept, resulting in numerous new devices that could never have been dreamed of just a few short years ago. Other promises have not been fulfilled, due, in part, to a lack of understanding of the key limitations of these new material systems. Regardless of the material in question, one fact remains true: Without a detailed understanding of the electrical and optical interaction of electronic and photonic “particles” with the material and defect environment around them, novel device development is clearly impeded. It is not just a silicon world! Modern electronic/optoelectronic device designs (even silicon based devices) utilize many diverse materials, including mature dielectrics such as silicon dioxide/nitrides/oxynitrides, immature ferroelectric oxides, silicides, metal alloys, and new semiconductor compounds. Key to the continued progress of electronic devices is the continued development of a detailed understanding of the interaction of these materials and the defects and limitations inherent to each material system. It is my commitment to insure that new devices are continuously produced based on complex mixed family material systems.


    Office Location:
    MIRC 209

    ECE Profile Page

  • Personal Research Site
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    • Micro and Nano Device Engineering
    Additional Research:
    Compund semiconductors, optical materials, III-V semiconductor devices

    IRI Connections: