Todd Streelman

Todd Streelman

Todd Streelman

Professor and Chair

Streelman grew up in Chestertown Md, where he developed a keen interest in the outdoors. He graduated with a BS in Biology from Bucknell University. While there, he attended a semester (plus one cold winter-mester) at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole Massachusetts — where a chance encounter with Les Kaufman, Karel Liem, a few jars of pickled fish and a dental X-ray technician led to his lifelong love of cichlids. Streelman won the Pangburn Scholar-Athlete award (lacrosse) at BU. As a PhD student with Stephen Karl, Streelman developed approaches to identify, clone and sequence multiple, independent single-copy nuclear loci to reconstruct accurate phylogenies for cichlid fishes and their relatives. These phylogenies changed perspective about how these species groups evolved, and allowed new and improved inference about the evolutionary history of key ecological traits. Multi-locus phylogenies are now the standard in the field. 

As a postdoc in Tom Kocher’s lab and then a young investigator at Georgia Tech, Streelman worked on the first unbiased quantitative genetic (QTL) studies in Malawi cichlids, some of the first such studies in evolutionary systems. In particular, work showed that adaptive features of the cichlid jaw and the striking orange-blotch color polymorphism had a simple genetic basis.  

Streelman was an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Faculty Research Fellow and a NSF CAREER Awardee.  

Over the past two decades as an independent investigator, with support from the NSF, NIH and the Human Frontier Science Program, Streelman’s group has pioneered genomic and molecular biology approaches in the Malawi cichlid system to solve problems difficult to address in traditional model organisms. Major projects include (i) tooth and taste bud patterning and regeneration; (ii) the underpinnings of complex behavior; and (iii) developmental diversification of the face and brain.  

Generally, we are captivated by context-dependent traits like development and behavior because they must be executed in space and time with exquisite control. We analyze and manipulate genomes and development in multiple species of Malawi cichlids, spanning divergence in embryonic/adult traits and behavior – and collaborate with folks studying these same traits in zebrafish, mouse and human. In 2014, Streelman helped to coordinate a large effort to sequence the genomes of five East African cichlids, including one from Lake Malawi. This was a landmark for our research community and has recast attention to genome-wide approaches. We are motivated by the prospect to dissect evolutionary change with genetic and cellular precision.  

In his free time, Streelman likes mountaineering, skipping rocks and pickling.


Office Location:
EBB 3007


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Molecular Evolution
    • Neuroscience
    Additional Research:
    Researchers in the Streelman lab use the cichlid fish model to address fundamental questions in ecology and evolution. We are fascinated by context-dependent processes like embryonic development, the regeneration of organs and complex behavior. Context-dependency is interesting because it reveals new rules of biological systems that are not necessarily operational during homeostasis. For instance, recent results suggest that stem-like cells in the brain may tune the evolution of male social behavior. We raise cichlids from Lake Malawi in custom fish facilities at Georgia Tech. We invent automated assays to quantify behavior, we sequence genomes and the transcriptomes of cells, and we collaborate with computational scientists, engineers and colleagues working in zebrafish, mouse and human. Members of the lab are keen to learn new things by working together, compelled by mechanism and comparative approaches.

    IRI Connections:

    Shuichi Takayama

    Shuichi Takayama

    Shuichi Takayama

    Professor, Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
    GRA Eminent Scholar, Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Price Gilbert, Jr. Chair in Regenerative Engineering andMedicine

    Shu Takayama earned his BS and MS in Agricultural Chemistry at the University of Tokyo. He earned a Ph.D. in Chemistry at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California studying bio-organic synthesis with Dr. Chi‐Huey Wong. He then worked as a postdoc with Dr. George Whitesides at Harvard University where he focused on applying microfluidics to studying cell and molecular biology.

    Takayama began his career at the University of Michigan, where led his lab in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Macromolecular Science & Engineering for over 17 years. In 2017, the lab moved to Georgia Tech where Shu became the Georgia Research Alliance Price Gilbert Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering.

    Takayama’s research interests are diverse and motivated by clinical and biotechnology needs. He is always interested in hearing from stakeholders in these areas who are seeking engineering collaboration.


    Office Location:
    EBB 4018

    Takayama lab

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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Bioengineering
    • Biomaterials
    • Cancer Biology
    • Cell Manufacturing
    • Medical Device Design, Development and Delivery
    • Micro and Nano Device Engineering
    • Miniaturization & Integration
    • Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics
    • Nanomaterials
    • Systems Biology
    Additional Research:
    Use of micro/nanofluidics for cell analysis; diagnostics; and chromatin analysis; High throughput 3D cell cultures; Organs-on-a-chip construction and design; Role of rhythm in cell signaling; Self-switching fluidic circuits; Fracture fabrication

    IRI Connections:

    Young-Hui Chang

    Young-Hui Chang

    Young-Hui Chang


    Dr. Chang is the director of the Comparative Neuromechanics Laboratory. His research program focuses on trying to understand how animals move through and interact with their environment.


    Office Location:
    1309 B


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics
    • Neuroscience
    Additional Research:
    Current projects involve studying how gait compensations are made both from biomechanical and motor control perspectives. To this end, we study the control of human and non-human vertebrate legs within the conceptual framework of the Uncontrolled Manifold hypothesis. This idea suggests neuromechanical redundancy is not only helpful, but is exploited by the nervous system to simplify control of and completion of specific behavioral tasks, such as those involved in limb function during locomotion. We integrate concepts and tools from comparative biomechanics, neurophysiology and computational neuroscience.

    IRI Connections:

    Greg Gibson

    Greg Gibson

    Greg Gibson

    Director, Center for Integrative Genomics
    Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Emory University

    Greg Gibson is Professor of Biology and Director of the Center for Integrative Genomics at Georgia Tech. He received his BSc majoring in Genetics from the University of Sydney (Australia) and PhD in Developmental Genetics from the University of Basel. After transitioning to quantitative genetic research as a Helen Hay Whitney post-doctoral fellow at Stanford University, he initiated a program of genomic research as a David and Lucille Packard Foundation Fellow at the University of Michigan. He joined the faculty at Georgia Tech in Fall of 2009, after ten years at North Carolina State University where he developed tools for quantitative gene expression profiling and genetic dissection of development in the fruitfly Drosophila. He is now collaborating with the Center for Health Discovery and Well Being on integrative genomic analyses of the cohort. Dr Gibson is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and serves as Section Editor for Natural Variation for PLoS Genetics. He has authored a prominent text-book, a "Primer of Genome Science" as well as a popular book about genetics and human health, "It Takes a Genome".


    Office Location:
    EBB 2115A


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Cancer Biology
    • Molecular Evolution
    • Systems Biology
    Additional Research:
    Quantitative Evolutionary Genetics. After 15 years working on genomic approaches to complex traits in Drosophila, my group has spent much of the past 10 years focusing on human quantitative genetics. We start with the conviction that genotype-by-environment and genotype-by-genotype interactions are important influences at the individual level (even though they are almost impossible to detect at the population level). We use a combination of simulation studies and integrative genomics approaches to study phenomena such as cryptic genetic variation (context-dependent genetic effects) and canalization (evolved robustness) with the main focus currently on disease susceptibility.​ Immuno-Transcriptomics.As one of the early developers of statistical approaches to analysis of gene expression data, we have a long-term interest in applications of transcriptomics in ecology, evolution, and lately disease progression. Since blood is the mostaccessible human tissue, we've examined how variation is distributed within and among populations, across inflammatory and auto-immune states, and asked how it relates to variation in immune cell types. Our axes-of-variation framework provides a new way of monitoring lymphocyte, neutrophil, monocyte and reticulocyte profiles from whole peripheral blood. Most recently we have also been collaborating on numerous studies of specific tissues or purified cell types in relation to such diseases as malaria, inflammatory bowel disease, juvenile arthritis, lupus, and coronary artery disease. Predictive Health Genomics. Personalized genomic medicine can be divided into two domains: precision medicine and predictive health. We have been particularly interested in the latter, asking how environmental exposures and gene expression, metabolomic and microbial metagenomics profiles can be integrated with genomesequencing or genotyping to generate health risk assessments. A future direction is incorporation of electronic health records into genomic analyses of predictive health. Right now it is easier to predict the weather ten years in advance than loss of well-being, but we presume that preventative medicine is a big part of the future of healthcare.​

    IRI Connections:

    Yuhong Fan

    Yuhong Fan

    Yuhong Fan

    Associate Professor
    Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Scholar


    Office Location:
    Petit Biotechnology Building, Office 2313

  • Biological Sciences Profile
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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Cancer Biology
    • Regenerative Medicine
    • Systems Biology
    Additional Research:
    Epigenetics, Epigenomics, Chromatin, Gene Expression, Stem Cell Biology, Epidrugs, Mouse Genetics, Cancer, Function of Linker Histones in Mammalian Development, and Stem Cell Differentiation

    IRI Connections:

    Andrew McShan, Ph.D.

    Andrew McShan, Ph.D.

    Andrew McShan

    Assistant Professor

    The questions that keep us up at night are: How does the immune system present and recognize antigens to combat disease? What are the molecular features involved in stimulating robust and specific immune responses? How can we exploit distinct features of immune recognition to develop new treatments for disease? Our research centers on answering these important questions. We focus on the CD1 family of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) related proteins, which present both self and foreign lipids to αβ, γδ, and natural killer T cells. Examples of CD1 complexes involved in the adaptive and innate immune response to human disease include those associated with lipids derived from cancerous cells (Leukemia, Carcinoma, Lymphoma, Melanoma), wasp/bee venom including yellowjackets of the genus Vespula who represent Georgia Tech's mascot Buzz (Hymenoptera venom allergy), bacterial pathogens (Mycobacterium tuberculosis - Tuberculosis, Borrelia burgdorferi - Lyme Disease, Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Pneumonia), viral pathogens (HSV-1 - Herpes, HBV - Hepatitis B), marine sponges, and self cells in autoimmune disease (Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Lysosomal Storage Disease). Recent studies have shown that CD1 can also associate with and present a much broader range of antigens, such as skin oils that lack a discernible hydrophilic head group, lipopeptides, and non-lipid small molecules. Unlike peptide antigen presentation by high polymorphic human MHC-I complexes for which therapeutics must be tailored to a patients genetic background, the non-polymorphic nature of CD1 means that lipid/CD1 molecules are attractive candidates for donor-unrestricted (i.e. universal and patient-haplotype independent) vaccines and immunotherapy treatments. Progress in the development of lipid/CD1 mediated therapies has been hindered by an incomplete understanding in several important features of the CD1 antigen processing and presentation pathway as well as a lack of structural information for clinically relevant lipid/CD1 complexes. We aim to address these knowledge gaps with our research.


    Office Location:
    MoSE G022


    Research Focus Areas:
    • Chemical Biology

    IRI Connections:

    Wei Sun

    Wei Sun

    Wei Sun

    Adjunct Associate Professor
    Chief Executive Officer, Sutra Medical Inc.


    Office Location:
    TEP 206

    Sutra Medical

    Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics
    Additional Research:
    Heart Valve Biomechanics, Engineering Analysis, and Medical Device R&D 

    IRI Connections:

    C. Ross Ethier

    C. Ross Ethier

    C. Ross Ethier

    Georgia Research Alliance Lawrence L. Gellerstedt, Jr. Eminent Scholar in Bioengineering

    Prof. Ethier was originally trained as a mechanical engineer, receiving his Ph.D. from MIT in 1986 working in the lab of Roger D. Kamm. He then joined the University of Toronto, where he was a Professor of Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering and Ophthalmology, and latterly the Director of the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering. Prior to joining Georgia Tech/Emory, Professor Ethier was the Head of the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College, London from 2007-12. 

    His research is in the biomechanics of cells and whole organs. His specific research topics include glaucoma (biomechanics of aqueous humour drainage in the normal and glaucomatous eye, and the mechanical and cellular response of optic nerve tissues to intraocular pressure), study of hemodynamic basis of arterial disease.


    Office Location:
    Petit Biotechnology Building, Office 2306


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics
    • Neuroscience
    • Regenerative Medicine
    Additional Research:
    "Biomechanics and mechanobiology, glaucoma, osteoarthritis, regenerative medicine, intraocular pressure control, optic nerve head biomechanics. We work at the boundaries between mechanics, cell biology and physiology to better understand the role of mechanics in disease, to repair diseased tissues, and to prevent mechanically-triggered damage to tissues and organs. Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness. We carry out a range of studies to understand and treat this disease. For example, we are developing a new, mechanically-based, strategy to protect fragile neural cells that, if successful, will prevent blindness. We are developing protocols for stem-cell based control of intraocular pressure. We study the mechanobiology and biomechanics of neurons and glial cells in the optic nerve head. We also study VIIP, a major ocular health concern in astronauts. Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of joint pain. We are developing paradigms based on magneto-mechanical stimulation to promote the differentiation and (appropriate) proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells."

    IRI Connections: