Hee Cheol Cho

Hee Cheol Cho

Hee Cheol Cho

Associate Professor
Urowsky-Sahr Scholar in Pediatric Bioengineering

Hee Cheol Cho is the Urowsky-Sahr Scholar in Pediatric Bioengineering and Associate Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Pediatrics. He received his PhD in Physiology from the University of Toronto in 2003.



Office Location:
Emory HSRB E184


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Regenerative Medicine
    Additional Research:
    The Heart Regeneration Lab focuses on using genes and chemicals to pace and regenerate the heart. We are based at Emory University in Pediatrics and BME in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering of Georgia Tech and Emory University.

    IRI Connections:

    Gregory Sawicki

    Gregory Sawicki

    Gregory Sawicki

    Associate Professor; School of Mechanical Engineering & School of Biological Sciences
    Director; PoWeR Lab

    Dr. Gregory S. Sawicki is an Associate Professor at Georgia Tech with appointments in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering and the School of Biological Sciences. He holds a B.S. from Cornell University ('99) and a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from University of California-Davis ('01). Dr. Sawicki completed his Ph.D. in Human Neuromechanics at the University of Michigan, Ann-Arbor ('07) and was an NIH-funded Post-Doctoral Fellow in Integrative Biology at Brown University ('07-'09). Dr. Sawicki was a faculty member in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at NC State and UNC Chapel Hill from 2009-2017. In summer of 2017, he joined the faculty at Georgia Tech with appointments in Mechanical Engineering 3/4 and Biological Sciences 1/4.



    Office Location:
    GTMI 411

    PoWeR Lab

    Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Human Augmentation
    Additional Research:
    wearable robotics; exoskeletons; locomotion; biomechanics; muscle mechanics

    IRI Connections:

    Annalise Paaby

    Annalise Paaby

    Annalise Paaby

    Assistant Professor

    After studying ecology as a biology major at Swarthmore College, Annalise Paaby learned fly pushing as a technician for Steve DiNardo and then discovered evolutionary genetics as a tech for Paul Schmidt. She joined Paul’s lab as a graduate student and earned her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 2009. In 2015, Paaby completed her postdoctoral training with Matt Rockman at New York University and began her appointment at Georgia Tech.



    Office Location:
    EBB 3011


  • http://www.biology.gatech.edu/people/annalise-paaby
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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Molecular Evolution
    • Systems Biology
    Additional Research:
    Our lab explores major questions in evolution and quantitative genetics. We work with the nematode wormC. elegansand relatedCaenorhabditisspecies. Current projects include exploring how cryptic alleles in embryogenesis depend on genetic background, how development evolves over time, and the role of molecular mechanisms in trait determination and evolution. We are also interested in how the environment influences trait expression and imposes selection in natural populations, and are conducting field collection trips in the nearby Appalachian foothills.

    IRI Connections:

    Patrick McGrath

    Patrick McGrath

    Patrick McGrath

    Associate Professor

    Patrick McGrath's research group is interested in understanding the genetic basis of heritable behavioral variation. In the current age, it has become cheap and easy to catalog the set of genetic differences between two individuals. But which genetic differences are responsible for generating differences in innate behaviors, including liability to neurological diseases such as autism, bipolar disease, and schizophrenia? How do these causative genetic variants modify a nervous system? Besides their role in disease, genetic variation is the substrate for natural selection. To understand how behavior evolves, we must understand how it varies.



    Office Location:
    EBB 3013


  • http://biosciences.gatech.edu/people/patrick-mcgrath
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Molecular Evolution
    • Neuroscience
    • Systems Biology
    Additional Research:
    Mostbiological traits have a strong genetic, or heritable, component. Understanding how genetic variation influences these phenotypes will be important for understanding common, heritable diseases like autism.However, the genetic architecture controlling most biological traits is incredibly complex - hundreds of interacting genes and variants combine in unknown ways to create phenotype.The McGrath lab is interested in using fundamentalmechanistic studies inC. elegansto identify, predict, and understand how genetic variation impacts the function of the nervous system.We are studying laboratory adapted strains and harnessing directed evolution experiments to understand how genetic changes affect development, reproduction, and lifespan. We combine quantitative genetics, CRISPR/Cas9, genomics, and computational approaches to address these questions.We believe this work will lead to insights into evolution, multigenic disease, and systems biology.

    IRI Connections:

    Brian Hammer

    Brian Hammer

    Brian Hammer

    Associate Professor

    Brian Hammer's lab studies molecular mechanisms important for microbial interactions. Bacteria are genetically encoded with regulatory networks to integrate external information that tailors gene expression to particular niches. Bacteria use chemical signals to orchestrate behaviors that facilitate both cooperation and conflict with members of the communities they inhabit. The group uses genetics and genomics, biochemistry, bioinformatics, and ecological approaches with a focus on the waterborne pathogen Vibrio cholerae.



    Office Location:
    Cherry Emerson 223


  • http://biosciences.gatech.edu/people/brian-hammer
  • Google Scholar

    Additional Research:
    Microbiology, quorum sensing, regulatory small RNAs, signal transduction, host-pathogen interactions, microbial biofilms. Our lab studies molecular mechanisms important for microbial interactions. Bacteria are genetically encoded with regulatory networks to integrate external information that tailors gene expression to particular niches. Bacteria use chemical signals to orchestrate behaviors that facilitate both cooperation and conflict with members of the communities they inhabit. We use genetics and genomics, biochemistry, bioinformatics, and ecological approaches with a focus on the waterborne pathogenVibrio cholerae.

    IRI Connections:

    Jeffery Markowitz

    Jeffery Markowitz

    Jeffery Markowitz

    Assistant Professor

    Our work focuses on how the brain decides which action to perform at each moment in time – that is, action selection. We are interested in the cortical and subcortical circuits that mediate this process, and how they go awry in neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. Specifically, we perform measurements of large-populations of neural activity in freely behaving mice using imaging and physiology, and distill their behavior in real-time using 3D cameras and probabilistic approaches to machine learning. Additionally, we are pursuing new methods to control activity in these circuits using precision closed-loop deep brain stimulation.


    Office Location:
    UAW 3102


    IRI Connections:

    Walker Byrnes

    Walker Byrnes

    Walker Byrnes

    Research Engineer I


    Masters of Science, Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2022

    Bachelors of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020

    Research Expertise

    Robot Planning and Control, Embodied Artificial Intelligence, Laboratory Automation, Software Engineering

    Selected Publications

    Bowles-Welch, A., Byrnes, W., Kanwar, B., Wang, B., Joffe, B., Casteleiro Costa, P., Armenta, M., Xu, J., Damen, N., Zhang, C., Mazumdar, A., Robles, F., Yeago, C., Roy, K., Balakirsky, S. (2021). Artificial Intelligence Enabled Biomanufacturing of Cell Therapies. Georgia Tech Research Institute Internal Research and Development (IRAD) Journal

    Byrnes, W., Ahlin, K., Rains, G., & McMurray, G. (2019). Methodology for Stress Identification in Crop Fields Using 4D Height Data. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(30), 336–341. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.12.562

    Byrnes, W., Kanwar, B., Damen, N., Wang, B., Bowles-Welch, A. C., Roy, K., & Balakirsky, S. (2023). Process Development and Manufacturing: A NEEDLE-BASED AUTOSAMPLER FOR BIOREACTOR CELL MEDIA COLLECTION. Cytotherapy, 25(6), S172.

    Wang, B., Kanwar, B., Byrnes, W., Costa, P. C., Filan, C., Bowles-Welch, A. C., ... & Roy, K. (2023). Process Development and Manufacturing: DIGITAL TWIN-ENABLED FEEDBACK-CONTROLLED AUTOMATION WITH INTEGRATED PROCESS ANALYTICS FOR BIOMANUFACTURING OF CELL THERAPIES. Cytotherapy, 25(6), S206-S207.

    Professional Activities

    STEM@GTRI Program Mentor

    IEEE Member




    IRI Connections:

    Vince Calhoun

    Vince Calhoun

    Vince Calhoun

    Director TReNDS
    Director CABI
    Distinguished University Professor

    Vince Calhoun, Ph.D., is the founding director of the tri-institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science (TReNDS) where he holds appointments at Georgia State, Georgia Tech and Emory. He is the author of more than 900 full journal articles. His work includes the development of flexible methods to analyze neuroimaging data including blind source separation, deep learning, multimodal fusion and genomics, neuroinformatics tools. Calhoun is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, The American Association for the Advancement of Science, The American Institute of Biomedical and Medical Engineers, The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) and the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. He currently serves on the IEEE BISP Technical Committee and is also a member of IEEE Data Science Initiative Steering Committee as well as the IEEE Brain Technical Committee.


    Learn more

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Algorithms & Optimizations
    • Big Data
    • Bioengineering
    • Health & Life Sciences
    • Machine Learning
    • Neuroscience

    IRI Connections:

    Kyle Allison

    Kyle Allison

    Kyle Allison

    Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine/Infectious Disease, Emory University



    Office Location:
    Emory HSRB E146


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Systems Biology
    Additional Research:
    Our lab studies the response of bacteria to antibiotics in order to develop new methods for eradicating persistent bacteria. Bacterial persistence is a form antibiotic resistance in which a transient fraction of bacterial cells tolerates severe antibiotic treatment while the majority of the population is eliminated. These 'persisters' can contribute to chronic infections and are a major medical problem. Despite their medical and scientific importance, presistence is not fully understood. A crucial challenge in studying bacterial persistence results from a lack of methods to isolate persisters from the heterogeneous populations in which they occur. As a result, systems-level analysis of persisters is beyond current techniques, and fundamental questions regarding their physiological diversity remain unanswered. Our lab seeks to develop methods to isolate persisters and study them with systems-wide, molecular techniques. The resulting findings will be used to engineer improved antibiotic therapies. Dr. Allison's previous research included development of a novel method to eradicate pathogenic bacteria, includingEscherichia coliandStaphylococcus aureus,by metabolic stimulation and the finding that bacteria communicate with each other to alter their tolerance to antibiotics.

    IRI Connections:

    Ahmet Coskun

    Ahmet Coskun

    Ahmet Coskun

    Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering

    Ahmet Coskun is a systems biotechnologist and bioengineer, working at the nexus of multiplex imaging and quantitative cell biology.

    Single Cell Biotechnology Lab is strategically positioned for imaging one cell at a time for spatial context. We are multi-disciplinary researchers interested in photons, ions, and electrons and their interactions with cells and tissues.  Using large-scale experiments and computational analysis, we address fundamental challenges in cancers, immunology, and pediatric diseases. Variability of single cell profiles can be used to understand differences in therapeutic response, as well as satisfy our curiosity on understanding how cells are spatially organized in nature.

    Our lab aims to deliver biotechnologies for spatial multi-omics profiling vision at the single cell level.

    1) Spatial genomics: Our lab was part of an early efforts to demonstrate spatially resolved RNA profiling in single cells using a sequential FISH method. We will continue leveraging seqFISH and correlation FISH (another computational RNA imaging method) for exploring spatial dynamics of cellular societies.

    2) Spatial proteomics: Our lab develops expertise on antibody-oligonucleotide based barcoding for multiplex protein imaging using CODEX technology. We combine CODEX with super-resolution and 3D imaging to visualize and quantify subcellular epigenetic states of immune and cancer cells.

    3) Spatial metabolomics: Our lab works on computational and isotope barcoding approaches for small molecule profiling using MIBI (Multiplexed ion beam imaging). 3D and subcellular metabolic state of individual cells are used to model functional modes of cellular decision making in health and disease.

    We also develop machine learning and deep learning algorithms to make sense of imaging based single cell big data.

    In a nutshell, we create image-based ‘omic technologies to reveal spatial nature of biological systems. We benefit from enabler tools:  Super-resolution bioimaging, barcoded biochemical reagents, advanced algorithms and automated microfludics. Topical interests include Spatial Biology, Liquid Biopsy, and Global Oncology.

    Ahmet Coskun trained at Stanford (Postdoc/Instructor with Garry Nolan), Caltech (Postdoc with Long Cai) and UCLA (PhD with Aydogan Ozcan). His lab is currently funded by NIH K25, BWF CASI, Georgia Tech & Emory.



    Office Location:
    Petit Biotechnology Building, Office 1311


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    University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Bioinformatics
    • Cancer Biology
    • Cell Manufacturing
    • Chemical Biology
    • Computational Genomics
    • Public Health
    • Regenerative Medicine
    • Systems Biology
    Additional Research:
    The Single Cell Biotechnology Lab aims to study spatial biology in health and disease. Our research lies at the nexus of multiplex bioimaging, microfluidic biodynamics, and big data biocomputation. Using high-dimensional nanoscale imaging datasets, we address fundamental challenges in immuno-engineering, cancers, and pediatric diseases. Our lab pursues a transformative multi-omics technology to integrate spatially resolved epigenetics and spatial genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, all in the same platform. We uniquely benefit from super-resolution microscopy, imaging mass spectrometry, combinatorial molecular barcoding, and machine learning to enhance the information capacity of our cellular data. Variability of single cell images can be used to understand differences in therapeutic responses, as well as satisfy our curiosity on understanding how cells are spatially organized in nature.

    IRI Connections: