It is core to Georgia Tech’s mission “to develop leaders who advance technology and improve the human condition.” Developing the technologies that increase the viability of hydrogen as an energy carrier holds great promise to improve the human condition. But we would fail our mission if we didn’t also prioritize the education of our students, community, and the world at large.
Georgia Tech is committed to taking advantage of new and traditional approaches and platforms to prepare our students, not only to thrive in the world as it is today but as it likely will be tomorrow. Teaching about and engaging our community in hydrogen research, concepts, and skillsets speaks directly to our mission.
Hydrogen Courses
Courses taught with a strong or primary focus on hydrogen energy:
- CHEM 3700 - Introduction to Energy Systems Engineering
- ME 4325 - Fuel Cell Systems
- ME 4332 - Renewable Energy Systems
- ChBE/MSE/ME 4759 - Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion
- AE/ME 6766 – Combustion I
- AE/ME 6412 – Turbulent Combustion
- ChBE 6130 – Electrochemical Engineering
- MSE 8803E – Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion
Seeking Visiting Scholar
In the Summer of 2023, Georgia Tech will launch a visiting professor program focused on increasing collaborations between GT and MSI professors with a passion for energy. The program will involve an 8-10 week collaborative research effort, hosted at Georgia Tech. Stipends and housing allowances will be included. Look for details in early 2023!
Hydrogen Combustion Publications
Recently, there have been concerns that substituting hydrogen in place of natural gas could make air quality worse by increasing NOx emissions. These publications, a collaboration between Georgia Tech and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), outline the opportunities and challenges associated with using hydrogen as part of a decarbonization strategy. Notably, these publications brought to light that many studies could be interpreting their NOx emissions incorrectly by as much as 40% too high when compared with high-hydrogen systems.
Strategic Energy Institute Hydrogen Combustion Publications Page
Georgia Tech Sponsored Grants in Energy and Public Health
Georgia Tech’s Energy, Policy, and Innovation Center (EPICenter), which is housed within the Strategic Energy Institute (SEI), seeks to position Georgia Tech and key regional partners as thought leaders that will inform the direction of energy and public health research. The U.S. energy infrastructure is undergoing major transformations, and the way that energy systems interact with public health will similarly evolve. As the U.S. transitions towards renewable and more climate-friendly energy systems, new public health issues will inevitably arise, bringing increased focus to an already complex relationship. Anticipating this dynamic, EPICenter, with help from SEI and the Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (IBB), put out a seed funding call to solicit multidisciplinary research projects entitled, “Energy and Public Health: Building the Foundation.” The intention of this funding call is to proactively identify and mitigate new public health challenges brought on by changes in the energy system, like the widespread adoption of hydrogen as an energy carrier.