
From the physics of knitting to highlighting how batteries work, Georgia Tech photographers captured the impact and breadth of the Institute’s…

Georgia Tech’s Executive Vice President for Research (EVPR) search committee has selected three finalists. Each candidate will visit campus and…

Effective January 1st, David Sherrill will serve as interim executive director of the Georgia Tech Institute for Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS…

Researchers at the Ben T. Zinn Combustion Lab (left to right): George Widmer, Srujan Gubbi, Ruhani Prasad, Ishan Gupta, Maksim Kvetny, Benjamin…

If you’ve ever watched a large flock of birds on the wing, moving across the sky like a cloud with various shapes and directional changes appearing…

The Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM) launched a new initiatives program, starting with several winning proposals, with…

Stepping into the position of interim executive vice president for Research (EVPR) is just the latest role in which Tim Lieuwen has served Georgia…

The Cloud Hub, a key initiative of the Institute for Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS) at Georgia Tech, recently concluded a successful Call for…

A community of multidisciplinary researchers at Georgia Tech has taken on the job of cleaning up the Earth’s carbon-riddled atmosphere through direct…

At Georgia Tech, innovation flourishes where disciplines converge. By encouraging joint appointments, the Institute breaks down traditional academic…
