PI/PD Eligibility Policy Exceptions

The Georgia Tech Principal Investigator (PI)/Project Director (PD) Eligibility Policy is designed to ensure proper oversight of sponsored projects, thereby reducing risk to the Institute. The policy provides a list of academic and research faculty titles that automatically qualify for the role of PI/PD. However, there are times when it is in the best interest of the Institute to make exceptions to this preapproved list.

F&A Waivers

Facilities and Administrative Cost (F&A/Indirect/Overhead) Waivers  

Georgia Tech goes through an extremely rigorous process every two years to calculate the sum total of the current costs associated with research.  These costs, often referred to as Facilities and Administrative (F&A), indirect, or overhead costs must be covered for every research project.  In order to streamline the payment of these costs, Georgia

Seed Grant Funding

Seed grants are small amounts of money invested in research projects and teams at the earliest stages of development. These funds allow researchers to advance their teaming efforts and/or to obtain preliminary data demonstrating the potential viability of the work. Often, seed projects lead to extramural research opportunities and funding.

Seed Grant Funding FAQs


What is a seed grant?

Georgia Tech defines a seed grant as a small amount of money (seed) in a restricted funds account (grant).  Seed grants may be internal or external and do not have a set limit in terms of their definition, but tend to be between $25,000 and $60,000 per grant.

Research Integrity, Safety & Compliance

Georgia Tech conducts research in compliance with all federal, state and local rules, regulations, policies and procedures. At GT we believe that research integrity, safety, and compliance are more than just words, they are at the core of our institutional values. The Office of Research Integrity Assurance and its partners work together to ensure the responsible conduct of research and that all research endeavors are held to the highest standards.

Sponsored Research

Sponsored Research is one  type of sponsored project. Information about the various categories of sponsored projects, including research, is included below.    

A sponsored project is an activity that is sponsored, or funded, by an external organization, such as a federal, state, or private organization or agency. The characteristics of a sponsored project include: