Juan-Pablo Correa-Baena

Juan-Pablo Correa-Baena

Juan-Pablo Correa-Baena

Assistant Professor
IMS/SEI Initiative Lead: Materials for Solar Energy Harvesting and Conversion

Juan-Pablo Correa-Baena is an Assistant Professor and the Goizueta Junior Faculty Rotating Chair in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, USA.

His group focuses on understanding and control of crystallographic structure and effects on electronic dynamics at the nanoscale of low-cost semiconductors for optoelectronic applications. Juan-Pablo’s group works on advanced deposition techniques, with emphasis on low-cost and high throughput, as well as advanced characterization methods that include synchrotron-based mapping and imaging approaches with nanoscale resolution.

His research program at Georgia Tech has attracted funding from the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense, which funds cutting-edge research on new materials for solar energy conversion.

His work has been cited over 28,000 times (h-index of 59) making him a top cited researcher as recognized by the Web of Science Group, Highly Cited Researchers-cross-field (2019, 2021) and Chemistry (2020), and Nature Index, Leading early career researcher in materials science (2019).


Departmental Bio

  • 2023 Initiative Lead Profile
  • University, College, and School/Department

    IRI Connections:

    Eric Marie J. Feron

    Eric Marie J. Feron

    Eric Marie Feron

    Lecturer; College of Computing
    Professor; King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

    Eric Feron is a professor of Electrical, Computer, and Mechanical Engineering. He is the director of the Robotics, Intelligent Systems, and Control (RISC) Laboratory. He recently joined the KAUST CEMSE Division from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to his time at Georgia Tech, he was an active faculty member in MIT's Aeronautics and Astronautics department from 1993 until 2005. Feron’s career in academia began in Paris, France, where he obtained his B.S. and M.S. from École Polytechnique and École Normale Superieure, respectively. He later completed his Ph.D. in aerospace engineering at Stanford University, U.S. 

    Feron's research interests center around the use of elementary concepts of control systems, optimization and computer science to address key issues in modern robotic systems. More specifically, aerobatic control of uncrewed aerial vehicles, multi-agent operations, including air traffic control systems and safety-critical software system certification. Feron is also interested in geometric control systems and control theory in general. Among his latest projects, there are a fractal drone, a few positioning systems, a wheel nature could have invented, and a self-reproducing 3D printer. 

    Feron has always taught at least one course per semester since the onset of his academic career. Feron believes teaching offers a fantastic outlet to communicate display his past research and inspire his new research projects with the thoughts of his classroom students. He has taught subjects as diverse as cyber-physical systems, control systems, operations research, linear programming, software engineering, and flight mechanics. Feron is a strong proponent and author of quality online education products. He also believes in communicating knowledge through all available mechanisms, including analytical and experimental, acknowledging the multiple learning modalities preferred by students, undergraduate and graduate.


    Personal Webpage

    University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Autonomy

    IRI Connections:

    Vijay Madisetti

    Vijay Madisetti

    Vijay Madisetti





    University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Lifelong Health and Well-Being
    • Shaping the Human-Technology Frontier
    Additional Research:
    Embedded Software Systems; Wireless and Networking; Digital Signal Processing; Speech; Audio; Video and Image Processing; Digital Signal Processing Hardware and Software; Advanced Computing Environments

    IRI Connections:

    Dan Kotlyar

    Dan Kotlyar

    Dan Kotlyar

    Associate Professor

    Dr. Dan Kotlyar is an Assistant Professor in the Nuclear and Radiological Engineering, G.W.W. School of Mechanical Engineering. He received his B.Sc. in Engineering in 2008, MSc in Nuclear Engineering in 2010, and PhD in Nuclear Engineering in 2013 from Ben-Gurion University, Israel. In 2014, he joined the University of Cambridge as a Research Associate in the Engineering Design Center. In 2014, he was elected as a Research Fellow at Jesus College. He is the recipient of the NRC Faculty Development Fellowship. Dr. Kotlyar’s research interests include development of numerical methods and algorithms for coupled Monte Carlo, fuel depletion and thermal hydraulic codes. In particular, he specializes in applying these methods to the analysis of advanced reactor systems. Dr. Kotlyar’s research also focuses on optimizing the performance of various fuel cycles in terms of fuel utilization, proliferation, and cost. Dr. Kotlyar profoundly believes in education through research and thus integrates practical reactor system design into his lectures.



    University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Energy Generation, Storage, and Distribution
    • Hydrogen Production
    Additional Research:

    IRI Connections:

    Srinivas Garimella

    Srinivas Garimella

    Srinivas Garimella

    Hightower Chair in Engineering

    Dr. Garimella began at Tech in August 2003 as an Associate Professor and Director of the Sustainable Thermal Systems Laboratory. Prior, he was an Associate Professor at Iowa State University, an Assistant and Associate Professor at Western Michigan University, a Research Scientist at Battelle Memorial Institute, and a Senior Engineer at General Motors.


    (404) 894-7479


    University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Energy Generation, Storage, and Distribution
    Additional Research:
    Thermal Systems

    IRI Connections: