Francesca Storici

Francesca Storici

Francesca Storici


Francesca Storici was born in Trieste, Italy. She graduated in Biology from the University of Trieste. Her Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics was conferred by the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), in Trieste in 1998, and she conducted research at the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) in Trieste. From 1999 to 2007 she was an NIH postdoctoral fellow in the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics under the guidance of Dr. Michael A. Resnick at the National Institute of Environmental and Health Sciences (NIEHS, NIH) in the Research Triangle Park of North Carolina, USA. In 2007 she was a Research Assistant Professor at the Gene Therapy Center of the University on North Carolina at Chapel Hill with Dr. R. Jude Samulski. Francesca joined the faculty of the School of Biological Sciences at Georgia Tech in 2007 and received the title of Distinguished Cancer Scientist of the Georgia Research Alliance. She is currently a professor in the School of Biological Sciences at Georgia Tech. Her research is on genome stability, DNA repair and gene targeting.


Office Location:
EBB 5017


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Cancer Biology
    • Drug Design, Development and Delivery
    Additional Research:
    Ribonucleotides embedded in DNA, RNA-driven DNA repair and modifications, mechanisms of genomic stability/instability, gene targeting and genome engineering.

    IRI Connections:

    Frank Stewart

    Frank Stewart

    Frank Stewart

    Adjunct Associate Professor

    I am an environmental microbiologist interested in the dynamics of microbial systems.  My research is motivated by the beliefs that microbes are a frontier for natural history and scientific discovery, and that exploring this frontier is necessary and important for understanding biological diversity and its changing role in ecosystem processes. The first major research theme in my lab explores how aquatic microbes respond to environmental change, notably declines in ocean oxygen content.  The second major theme explores how life in symbiosis drives microbial evolution and ecology.  My research targets diverse systems, from the marine water column to the intestinal microbiomes of fishes.  This research aims to identify metabolic properties that underlie the ecology of microbes and microbe-host systems, the evolutionary context under which these functions arose, and the role of these functions in ecosystem-scale processes in a changing environment.  

    I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Montana State University and an Adjunct Professor in the School of Biological Sciences at Georgia Tech.  I received a B.A. in Biology from Middlebury College and a Ph.D. in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology from Harvard University.  I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT for two years before moving to Georgia Tech in January 2011.  In February 2020, I moved my lab to the mountains of Montana.  My work has been recognized through an NSF CAREER award, a Sloan Research Fellowship, and a Simons Foundation Early Career investigator award.


    Office Location:
    ES&T 1242


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Molecular Evolution
    Additional Research:
    Bacteria and Archaea constitute the overwhelming majority of genetic and metabolic diversity on this planet. To understand these organisms in their native habitats, environmental microbiologists are tasked with two fundamental questions. First, how do ecological and evolutionary processes (e.g., symbiosis, competition, recombination, natural selection) create and structure genetic diversity? Second, how is this genetic diversity linked to the diverse biogeochemical functions of microorganisms in nature? Our research explores these questions for marine microorganisms, using the tools of genomics and molecular biology. We are particularly interested in how microbial genome evolution and physiology are affected by symbiotic interactions with higher taxa. In tandem with this work, we study free-living microorganisms, as they provide important reference points for understanding symbiont biology and mediate key global biogeochemical cycles in the ocean's water column and sediments. In particular, we are interested in how oxygen loss affects the diversity and metabolism of marine microbes. Our research integrates the broad fields of microbiology, molecular evolution, and marine biology. This work has both descriptive and experimental components, and involves a blend of field, molecular, and bioinformatic techniques, the latter focused in part on the analysis of high-throughput sequencing datasets. We welcome inquiries from potential students, post-docs, and collaborators who share these interests.

    IRI Connections:

    Edward Balog

    Edward Balog

    Edward Balog

    Associate Professor

    Ryanodine receptors (RyRs) are intracellular ion channels that mediate the release of calcium from intracellular stores. RyR1 and RyR2 are the predominate isoforms in skeletal and cardiac muscle, respectively where they play a central role in excitation-contraction coupling. RyRs are the largest known ion channels and are regulated by a multitude of endogenous effectors including ions, small molecules, and accessory proteins. An area of interest is the regulation of these channels by endogenous effectors, especially as it relates to altered contractile function associated with cardiac ischemia, skeletal muscle fatigue and aging. 

    Because of their central role in cellular calcium regulation, defects in RyR channels can lead to potentially fatal disorders. Mutations in RyR1 give rise to the pharmacogenetic skeletal muscle disorder, malignant hyperthermia (MH). RyR2 mutations have been identified in catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. We are interested in determining the molecular mechanisms by which these mutations alter RyR channel function. 

    We analyze channel function on multiples levels of organization. Sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicle [3H]ryanodine binding is used to examine large populations of channels. We incorporate channels into artificial lipid bilayers in order to record single channel currents and assess channel kinetics. Calcium release from permeabilized muscle fibers provides a method of examining RyR function in situ. My research has two long-range goals. The first is to understand how intracellular calcium is regulated and how alterations in the regulation effects cell function. The second goal is to understand the RyR regulatory sites that might be exploited for the development of pharmacological compounds to treat disorders of cellular calcium regulation.


    Office Location:
    AP 1303


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Regenerative Medicine
    Additional Research:
    Research in our laboratory focuses on a class of intracellular ion channels know as ryanodine receptors (RyRs). In mammals, there are three RyR isoforms. RyR1 and RyR2 are the predominate isoforms in skeletal and cardiac muscle, respectively where they are the primary efflux pathway for the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum to activate contraction. RyR3 has a wide tissue distribution and contributes to calcium regulation in a variety of cell types. RyRs are the largest known ion channel and are regulated by a multitude of endogenous effectors, including ions, metabolites and regulatory proteins. Therefore, an area of interest is the regulation of these RyR channels by endogenous effectors; especially as it relates to altered contractile function associated with cardiac and skeletal disease, skeletal muscle fatigue and aging. We analyze channel function on multiples levels of organization. Sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicle [3H]ryanodine binding is used to examine large populations of channels. Individual channels are incorporated into artificial lipid bilayers in order to record single channel currents and assess channel kinetics. Calcium release from permeabilized muscle fibers provides a method of examining RyR function in situ. My research has two long-range goals. The first is to understand how intracellular calcium is regulated and how alterations in the regulation effects cell function. The second goal is to understand the RyR regulatory sites that could potentially be exploited for the development of pharmacological compounds to treat disorders of cellular calcium regulation.

    IRI Connections:

    Alberto Stolfi

    Alberto Stolfi

    Alberto Stolfi

    Assistant Professor

    We study the simple larval nervous system of our closest invertebrate relatives, the tunicates. Tunicates, like us, belong to the Chordate phylum, but have very simple embryos and compact genomes. The laboratory model tunicate Ciona has only 177 neurons and is the only chordate with a fully mapped "connectome". We take advantage of this simplicity to understand molecular mechanisms that may underlie human neurodevelopment. We use transcriptome profiling to assay global transcriptional dynamics in neural progenitors during Ciona development, and use CRISPR/Cas9 to knock out important transcription factors and their downstream targets to understand how these gene networks control neuronal specification, morphology, physiology, neurotransmitter identity, and connectivity.


    Office Location:
    EBB 4014


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Neuroscience
    Additional Research:
    We seek to answer how animal behavior is set up by the collective behaviors of individual cells, over the entire course of brain and spinal cord development. We want to understand how gene activity can instruct developing neurons to move around, change shape, and connect to other cells. To do this, we study the simple larval nervous system of our closest invertebrate relatives, the tunicates. Tunicates, like us, belong to the Chordate phylum, but have very simple embryos and compact genomes. The laboratory model tunicate Ciona has only 177 neurons and is the only chordate with a fully mapped "connectome". We take advantage of this simplicity to understand molecular mechanisms that may underlie human neurodevelopment.

    IRI Connections:

    Marvin Whiteley

    Marvin Whiteley

    Marvin Whiteley

    Bennie H. & Nelson D. Abell Chair in Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar
    Co-Director, Emory-Children's CF Center (CF@LANTA)

    Dr. Whiteley received his B.S. degree in Zoology in 1995 from the University of Texas at Austin and his Ph.D. in Microbiology from the University of Iowa in 2001. His doctoral research involved quorum sensing and biofilm formation in the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Following a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stanford University in 2002, Dr. Whiteley accepted a position as an assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma/Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. In 2006, Dr. Whiteley moved to the University of Texas at Austin where he was promoted to Professor of Molecular Biosciences and Director of the LaMontagne Center for Infectious Disease. In 2017, he accepted the Bennie H. & Nelson D. Abell Chair and Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Molecular and Cellular Biology at Georgia Institute of Technology. He also serves as Associate Director of the CF-Air Center at Emory Medical School. Dr. Whiteley has garnered numerous awards for his work including the Merck Irving S. Sigal Memorial Award for national research excellence, the Burroughs Wellcome Investigators in Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease award, recognition as a Kavli fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, the Dean’s teaching excellence award from UT-Austin, and election to the American Academy of Microbiology.


    Office Location:
    Petit Biotechnology Building, Office 1314


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Drug Design, Development and Delivery
    • Systems Biology
    Additional Research:
    In the Whiteley Lab, we are interested in the social lives of bacteria. Currently, we are utilizing new technologies combined with classical genetic techniques to address questions about microbial physiology, ecology, virulence, and evolution. In particular, we are working on tackling the following questions: 1. How do bacteria communicate? 2. How do polymicrobial interactions impact physiology and virulence? 3. What is the role of spatial structure in bacterial infections? 4. How does the host environment impact microbial physiology?

    IRI Connections:

    James Gumbart

    James Gumbart

    James Gumbart

    Associate Professor

    My lab is focused on understanding how proteins and other biological systems function at a molecular level. To probe these systems, we carry out molecular dynamics simulations, modeling biological behavior one atom at a time. The simulations serve as a "computational microscope" that permits glimpses into a cell's inner workings through the application of advanced software and high-powered supercomputers. We are particularly interested in how bacteria utilize unique pathways to synthesize proteins and insert them into both the inner and outer membranes, how they import nutrients across two membranes, and how their cell walls provide shape and mechanical strength.


    Office Location:
    Howey W202


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    University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Molecular Evolution
    Additional Research:
    Computational simulations of complex biophysical phenomena involving proteins and other biomolecules.

    IRI Connections:

    A. Fatih Sarioglu

    A. Fatih Sarioglu

    A. Fatih Sarioglu

    Associate Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    A. Fatih Sarioglu received the B.Sc. degree from Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey in 2003, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University in 2005 and 2010, respectively, all in Electrical Engineering.

    Sarioglu worked as a postdoctoral research associate at the Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering at Stanford University from 2010 to 2012. From 2012-2014, he was a research fellow at the Center for Engineering in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. In October 2014, he joined the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology as an assistant professor.

    Sarioglu's research interests are at the interface of nano-/micro-engineering and biomedicine. He is particularly interested in developing N/MEMS-based technologies for biomedical applications.


    Office Location:
    Pettit/MiRC 217

    Biomedical Microsystems Lab

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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Bioengineering
    • Cancer Biology
    • Drug Design, Development and Delivery
    • Medical Device Design, Development and Delivery
    • Micro and Nano Device Engineering
    • Miniaturization & Integration
    • Systems Biology
    Additional Research:
    Nano- and Micro-systems for bio-molecular sensing and imagingMicrofluidic devices for cell sorting and disease detectionHigh-throughput bio-analytical instrumentation for cellular and molecular characterizationIntegrated platforms for point-of care diagnosticsImplantable medical devices for minimally-invasive health monitoring

    IRI Connections:

    Loren Williams

    Loren Williams

    Loren Williams

    Director, Center for the Origin of Life
    • Loren Williams is from Seattle. He received his B.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of Washington, where he worked in the laboratory of Martin Gouterman. He received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Duke University, where he worked the laboratory of Barbara Shaw. He was an American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard, and an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT with Alexander Rich. He is currently a Professor in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Georgia Tech. Loren is a Fellow of the AAAS and of the International Society for the Study of the Origins of Life. He was previously Director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute funded RiboEvo Center and is currently Director of the NASA-funded Center for the Origins of Life (COOL). Loren is currently a Co-Lead of the Prebiotic Chemistry and Early Earth Environment Consortium (PCE3 a NASA Research Coordination Network). Loren has received the following awards: 
    • 1995 NSF Career Award 
    • 1996 Sigma Xi Best Paper from Georgia Tech 
    • 2012 Georgia Tech Student Advisement Award 
    • 2012 Petit Institute Above and Beyond Award 
    • 2013 Georgia Tech Faculty Award for Academic Outreach 
    • 2013 Georgia Tech College of Science Faculty Mentor Award 
    • 2017 Access Alley Award from Georgia Tech Disability Services for advocating for handicapped students 
    • 2019 Vasser Woolley Award for Excellence in Instruction 
    • 2020-21 Georgia Tech Outstanding Achievement in Research Program Development 
    • 2021 Fellow of the International Society for Study of the Origin of Life 
    • 2021 Petit Institute Above and Beyond Award 
    • 2022 College of Sciences, Faculty Mentor Award 
    • 2023 Fellow of the AAAS


    Office Location:
    Petit Biotechnology Building, Office 1309


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Molecular Evolution
    Additional Research:
    We study folding and structure of RNA and DNA as modulated by sequence, covalent damage, anti-cancer drugs, proteins, other nucleic acid molecules. The oldest assembly in biology is the ribosome, which is a primary focus of our efforts. Ancient ribosomal structure and function, from beyond the root of the tree of life, can be inferred from extant structure/function combined with phylogeny, evolutionary theory, biophysical chemistry, bioinformatics and molecular biology. We use all of these approaches to construct models of ancient ribosomes, which we then study by biochemical methods. Three-dimensional structure, being more conserved over evolutionary time than sequence, offers some of the most important guideposts in our journeys down the base of the tree of life.

    IRI Connections:

    Ravi Kane

    Ravi Kane

    Ravi Kane

    Garry Betty/V Foundation Chair
    Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Cancer Nanotechnology

    Ravi Kane is the Garry Betty/V Foundation Chair and GRA Eminent Scholar in Cancer Nanotechnology. He received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Stanford University in 1993. Also, he received an M.S. in Chemical Engineering Practice and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from MIT, working with Bob Cohen and Bob Silbey. After postdoctoral research with George Whitesides in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, he joined Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) as an assistant professor in 2001. He was promoted to associate professor in 2006, to full professor in 2007, and to the P.K. Lashmet Professor in 2008. He served as the head of RPI’s Howard P. Isermann Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering before moving to Georgia Tech in 2015. Prof. Kane has graduated 27 Ph.D students and contributed to over 130 scientific publications.


    Office Location:
    EBB 5019


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    Research Focus Areas:
    • Cell Manufacturing
    • Drug Design, Development and Delivery
    • Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics
    • Neuroscience
    Additional Research:
    Professor Kane's groupconducts research at the interface of biotechnology and nanotechnology.The group is designing nanoscale polyvalent therapeutics and working on the molecular engineering of biosurfaces and nanostructures. A major focus of the group's research involves the design of polyvalent ligands, i.e., nanoscale scaffolds presenting multiple copies of selected biomolecules.The Kane group has made seminal contributions to a fundamental understanding of polyvalent recognition and has designed polyvalent inhibitors that are effectivein vivo.Currently, the group is designing polyvalent molecules that control stem cell fate as well as polyvalent inhibitors of pathogens such as HIV and influenza.The group is also designing nanoscale scaffolds for antigen presentation as part of novel strategies for designing vaccines.The approach could lead to the development of "universal" influenza vaccines as well as effective vaccines targeting RSV and malaria.Other interests of the group involve optogenetics — the development and application of methods that use light to control cell function — as well as the design of enzymes and nanocomposites that target antibiotic-resistant pathogens.

    IRI Connections: