Jye-Chyi Lu
Jye-Chyi (JC) Lu is a professor in in the Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) at Georgia Tech (GT).
Dr. Lu is active in promoting research, education and extension-service programs with focus on engineering statistics and analytics areas. Dr. Lu received a Ph.D. in statistics from University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1988, and joined the statistics faculty of North Carolina State University, where he remained until 1999 when he joined GT-ISyE. He has 82 journal publications in engineering and statistics journals. Twenty seven Ph.D. students has graduated under his supervision. His research has been supported by many NSF awards and industry grants. He serves as an associate editor (AE) for the Journal of Quality Technology and had served as AEs for Technometrics and IEEE Transactions on Reliability. He is a Fellow in the American Statistical Association, and has been INFORMS Quality, Statistics and Reliability section chair.
Office Location:
Groseclose Building, Room 312
information systems engineering; e-business; e-logistics; e-design and industrial statistics areas
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