Institute for Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS) 2023-24
Call for Proposals for Thematic Events


The Institute for Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS) invites calls for proposals from teams of academic or research faculty to organize in-person thematic events during AY 2023-2024. In keeping with IDEaS thematic focus on AI, this call broadly targets the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications, including but not limited to: Foundational topics in AI; cyberinfrastructure for AI; AI-driven research in sciences, engineering, finance, humanities, and the arts; ethics and societal implications of AI; and shaping public policy and establishing research standards/benchmarks. The event can be a seminar series, workshop, meeting to shape GT or national research priorities, etc. It is expected that the event will also involve prominent external experts.

Each team is expected to clearly identify the theme for their event, give a list of speakers/visitors expected to be invited and also a rough budget with important line items. Time for organizers cannot be budgeted. We expect to award multiple teams at around $5K - $8K per team depending on the projected need. Cost sharing with other partners is permitted and encouraged. All funds must be expended in FY2024. The proposal should convince the reviewers that the intended thematic event is likely to be successful, i.e., the topics are scientifically interesting and timely, an appropriate collection of researchers will be invited and are likely to participate, and some sort of impact of the event can be expected.

The deadline for proposal submissions is Sept 22, 5pm ET. Please submit your proposal to with the topic of the proposal in the subject line. The winners will be announced by Sept 29 and funds will be made available immediately after that.

Details on the format of the proposal

  • Letter size, max. 2 pages, 11-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, single spaced.
  • Information on Organizers: Name, Position, School, Email, homepage (if any)
  • Event Theme: Title and short description
  • Information on the requested event: structure, number, length and expected schedule. Where will it be organized? Who is expected to attend?
  • Expected results (outcome) of the event
  • Budget with justification (clearly mention cost-sharing if applicable)
  • List of planned speakers (with Name, Position, Affiliation, Homepage)

In case of any questions please contact the IDEaS Director of External Engagement, B. Aditya Prakash at (