J. David Frost

J. David Frost

James Frost

Elizabeth and Bill Higginbotham Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Group Coordinator, Geosystems Engineering Group

James David Frost is the Elizabeth and Bill Higginbotham Professor of civil engineering. He received B.A.I and B.A. degrees in civil engineering and mathematics, respectively, from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland in 1980 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering in 1986 and 1989 from Purdue University. Prior to serving as a member of the faculty at Purdue University and Georgia Tech, he worked in industry in Ireland and Canada on a range of natural resource related projects ranging from tailings impoundments to artificial sand islands in the Arctic for oil exploration. At Georgia Tech, where he has been for almost 20 years, he has served as head of the Geosystems Engineering Group and as founding director of the Georgia Tech Regional Engineering Program and subsequently the Georgia Tech Savannah campus.



Office Location:
Mason 2285

Research Website

  • CEE Profile Page
  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    Additional Research:
    Micro and nanomechanics, geomaterials, composites, sustainable communities

    IRI Connections:

    Alexander Alexeev

    Alexander Alexeev

    Alexander Alexeev


    Dr. Alexeev came to Georgia Tech at the beginning of 2008 as an assistant professor. His research background is in the area of fluid mechanics. He uses computer simulations to solve engineering problems in complex fluids, multiphase flows, fluid-structure interactions, and soft materials. As a part of his graduate research at Technion, he investigated resonance oscillations in gases and probed how periodic shock waves excited at resonance can enhance agglomeration of small airborne particles, a process which is important in air pollution control technology. He also investigated wave propagation in vibrated granular materials and its effect on fluidization of inelastic granules. During postdoctoral studies at TU Darmstadt, he examined how microstructures on heated walls can be harnessed to control thermocapillary flows in thin liquid films and to enhance heat transport in the fluid. That could be beneficial in many practical applications, especially in microgravity. At the University of Pittsburgh, he studied the motion of micrometer-sized, compliant particles on patterned substrates to develop efficient means of controlling movement of such particles in microfluidic devices. Such substrates are needed to facilitate various biological assays and tissue engineering studies dealing with individual cells.



    Research Focus Areas:
    • Energy Infrastructure

    IRI Connections:

    Natalie Stingelin

    Natalie  Stingelin

    Natalie Stingelin

    Professor, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    Previously a professor of organic functional materials at the Department of Materials, Imperial College of London, Natalie Stingelin joined Georgia Tech in 2016. She focuses her research on the broad field of organic functional materials, including organic electronics; multifunctional inorganic/organic hybrids; smart, advanced optical systems based on organic matter; and bioelectronics. Associate Editor of the Journal of Materials Chemistry, she has published more than 130 papers and 6 issued patents. She is a co-investigator of the newly established EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Large Area Electronics, and she leads the EC Marie-Curie Training Network 'INFORM' that involves 11 European partners. She was awarded the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining's Rosenhain Medal and Prize (2014) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) Award for Visiting Scientists (2015).



    Office Location:
    ES&T L1220

    ChBE Profile Page

  • Stingelin Lab
  • Google Scholar

    University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Nanomaterials
    Additional Research:
    Organic electronics; Bioelectronics

    IRI Connections:

    Martin Mourigal

    Martin Mourigal

    Martin Mourigal

    Professor, School of Physics
    Initiative Lead, Georgia Tech Quantum Alliance

    Martin Mourigal received the B.S in Materials from Ecole des Mines de Nancy in 2004. He later received his M.S. and Ph.D. in physics from Ecole Polytechnique Federale (EPFL) located in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2007 and 2011, respectively. He was also a postdoctoral research fellow in John Hopkins University from 2011 until 2014. He joined Georgia Tech in 2015 and is currently an assistant professor in the School of Physics. Mourigal's lab focuses on the study of collective electronic and magnetic phenomena in quantum materials. His research exploits the unique strengths of neutron and X-ray scattering to probe the organization and the dynamics of matter at the nanoscale.In addition to his own lab research, Mourigal is the co-director of the Georgia Tech Quantum Alliance, a university wide program that will work towards solving problems in optimization, cryptography, and artificial intelligence. Mourigal was awarded the Cullen Peck Faculty Scholar Award from Georgia Tech in 2019. He was also awarded the National Science Foundation CAREER Award for excellence as a young educator and researcher in 2018.



    Office Location:
    Howey C202

    Physics Profile Page

  • Mourigal Lab
  • Google Scholar

    University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Miniaturization & Integration
    • Quantum Computing
    • Use & Conservation
    Additional Research:
    Quantum Materials, Micro and Nanomechanics, Ferroelectronic Materials, Materials Data Sciences, Electronics

    IRI Connections:

    Zhigang Jiang

    Zhigang Jiang

    Zhigang Jiang

    Professor, School of Physics
    Initiative Lead, Georgia Tech Quantum Alliance

    Zhigang Jiang received his B.S. in physics in 1999 from Beijing University and his Ph.D. in 2005 from Northwestern University. He was also a postdoctoral research associate at Columbia University jointly with Princeton University and NHMFL from 2005 till 2008. Jiang is interested in the quantum transport and infrared optical properties of low dimensional condensed matter systems. The current ongoing projects include: (1) infrared spectroscopy study of graphene and topological insulators, (2) spin transport in graphene devices, and (3) Andreev reflection spectroscopy of candidate topological superconductors.



    Office Location:
    Boggs B-18

    Physics Profile Page

  • Jiang Group Website
  • Google Scholar

    University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Electronic Materials
    • Energy Utilization and Conservation
    • Nanomaterials
    • Optics & Photonics
    Additional Research:
    quantum materials; nanoelectronics; Graphene; Epitaxial Growth

    IRI Connections:

    Kevin Caravati

    Kevin Caravati

    Kevin Caravati

    GTRI Liaison for Sustainability Research
    Principal Research Scientist
    Manager, Energy and Sustainability Research Program

    Mr. Caravati is a Principal and Founder of Applied Plasma Arc Technologies, LLC and a Senior Research Scientist and Professional Geologist at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), the applied research arm of the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Geology from the University of Dayton, Ohio, and a Master of Science in Geology-Hydrogeology track from the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. He earned a Master’s degree in Business Administration (International Business) from the Stetson School of Business and Economics at Mercer University in Atlanta. He began work with GTRI in 2002.

    Mr. Caravati served as a Hydrogeologist, Project Manager, and Project Director for a wide range of water resources and water quality projects in the United States, Mexico and England. He has led numerous water resource investigations that included delineating watersheds using aerial imagery and GIS tools, well installation and testing programs, monitoring and field data collection programs, and developing ground water flow and contaminant transport models for predictive studies. Since 2008, he served as Director of the Environmental Safety and Occupational Health Programs at GTRI, and as Program Manager for environmental engineering research for a global services provider. Mr. Caravati also served as a research lead in Georgia Tech’s Plasma Arc Research Facility. 

    Mr. Caravati’s areas of research include the design and prototyping of dry sanitation systems; testing of chemical and biological sensor systems for environmental applications; modeling of renewable energy systems for rural areas; water supply and wastewater studies for sustainability and energy efficiency; and water resource investigations for rural watersheds in developing countries. He serves as a Research Advisor to Georgia Tech’s Engineering Students Without Borders chapter, and in 2007 he led or participated in projects in Angola, Bolivia, and Yellowstone National Park, and served in an advisory capacity for projects in Kenya, Japan, Korea, Guam, and Ireland.


    (404) 407-8058

    Departmental Bio

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Renewable Energy
    Additional Research:

    IRI Connections:

    Laurence Jacobs

    Laurence Jacobs

    Laurence Jacobs

    Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and School of Mechanical Engineering
    Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Engineering

    Laurence J. Jacobs is associate dean for academic affairs in the College of Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, professor of civil and environmental engineering, and professor of mechanical engineering. Jacobs received his Ph.D. in engineering mechanics from Columbia University and joined the faculty of Georgia Tech in 1988. Prior to receiving his Ph.D., he worked for two years in the aerospace industry and for one year as a structural engineer.

    Professor Jacobs’ research focuses on the development of quantitative methodologies for the nondestructive evaluation and life prediction of structural materials. This includes the application of nonlinear ultrasound for the characterization of fatigue, creep, stress-corrosion, thermal embrittlement and radiation damage in metals. His work in cement-based materials includes the application of linear and nonlinear ultrasonic techniques to quantify microstructure and progressive micro-cracking in concrete.

    Jacobs’ publications have been cited more than 4900 times with an h-index of 39 (Google Scholar), 31 (Scopus) or 28 (Web of Science) and he is a Fellow of the ASME. Professor Jacobs’ research has been funded by DOE, NSF, ONR, AFOSR, DARPA, NASA, US DOT, Georgia DOT, Exxon-Mobil, EPRI, Sandia National Lab and GE. He has been the PI or co-PI on over $8M worth of contracts since 1990. Jacobs has graduated 16 Ph.D. students (5 women and 2 African Americans) and 65 M.S. thesis students.



    Office Location:
    Mason 2132A

    CEE Profile Page

    Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Materials and Nanotechnology
    Additional Research:
    Acoustics and dynamics, structural health monitoring, structural materials

    IRI Connections:

    Rampi Ramprasad

    Rampi Ramprasad

    Rampi Ramprasad

    Michael E. Tennenbaum Family Chair, Materials Science and Engineering
    Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Energy Sustainability

    Ramprasad joined the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech in February 2018. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, he was the Centennial Term Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Connecticut. He joined the University of Connecticut in Fall 2004 after a 6-year stint with Motorola’s R&D laboratories at Tempe, AZ. Ramprasad received his B. Tech. in Metallurgical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, an M.S. degree in Materials Science and Engineering at the Washington State University, and a Ph.D. degree also in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

    Ramprasad’s area of expertise is in the development and utilization of computational and data-driven (machine learning) methods aimed at the design and discovery of new materials. Materials classes under study include polymers, metals and ceramics (mainly dielectrics and catalysts), and application areas include energy production and energy storage. Prof. Ramprasad’s research has been funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Army Research Office (ARO), and Toyota Research Institute (TRI). He has lead a ONR-sponsored Multi-disciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) in the past to accelerate the discovery of polymeric capacitor dielectrics for energy storage, and is presently leading another MURI aimed at the understanding and design of dielectrics tolerant to enormous electric fields.

    Ramprasad is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, an elected member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, and the recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship and the Max Planck Society Fellowship for Distinguished Scientists.



    Office Location:
    Love 366

    MSE Profile Page

  • Ramprasad Group
  • University, College, and School/Department
    Research Focus Areas:
    • Computational Materials Science
    • Use & Conservation
    Additional Research:
    Data Analytics; Materials discovery; Energy Storage; Modeling; Electronic Materials; Electronics

    IRI Connections: