Richard Catrambone

Richard Catrambone

Richard Catrambone


Dr. Catrambone's research interests include: 

  • Creating examples to help learners form meaningful and generalizable solution procedures. I and the students in my lab have explored this issue in domains ranging from probability and physics to ballet. 
  • The use of task analysis techniques for identifying what a person needs to learn in order to solve problems or carry out procedures in some domain. 
  • Using information from task analyses to guide the construction of teaching and training materials including computer-based (multimedia) instructional environments. 
  • Exploring technology such as animations and embodied conversational agents (ECAs) for improving interfaces and helping people learn and carry out tasks more easily. 
  • Analogical Reasoning



University, College, and School/Department
Research Focus Areas:
  • Shaping the Human-Technology Frontier
  • Smart Cities and Inclusive Innovation
Additional Research:
Instructional Design; Human-Computer Interaction; Educational Technology; Multi-Media Learning Environments; Training; Problem Solving

IRI Connections:

Jay Bolter

Jay Bolter

Jay Bolter

Wesley Chair of New Media

Jay David Bolter is the Wesley Chair of New Media at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is the author of Turing's Man: Western Culture in the Computer Age (1984); Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, and the History of Writing (1991; second edition 2001); Remediation (1999), with Richard Grusin; and Windows and Mirrors (2003), with Diane Gromala. In addition to writing about new media, Bolter collaborates in the construction of new digital media forms. With Michael Joyce, he created Storyspace, a hypertext authoring system. As a member of the Augmented Environments Lab, he develops AR applications to stage dramatic and narrative experiences for cultural heritage and informal education.



University, College, and School/Department
Research Focus Areas:
  • Shaping the Human-Technology Frontier
Additional Research:
Augmented Reality; Digital Culture; History of Media; Virtual Reality

IRI Connections:

Chris Le Dantec

Chris Le Dantec

Chris Le Dantec

Assistant Professor



University, College, and School/Department
Research Focus Areas:
  • Shaping the Human-Technology Frontier
  • Smart Cities and Inclusive Innovation
Additional Research:
Participatory Design; Values in Design; Human-Centered Computing; Community Computing and Informatics; Urban Computing

IRI Connections: