Dimitrios Psaltis

Dimitrios Psaltis


I am a professor of Physics at Georgia Tech. I use advanced computational techniques, hybrid computer architectures, and innovative algorithms to answer fundamental questions related to the observational appearance of black holes, the properties of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, and the interaction of matter with radiation in extreme conditions.

I am a founding member of the Event Horizon Telescope, the international mm-VLBI experiment that has taken the first picture of a black hole with the horizon-scale resolution, and served for three years (2016-2019) as the Project Scientist of the collaboration.

Before moving to Georgia Tech in 2022, I was a professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Arizona and the Chair of the Theoretical Astrophysics Program there.


Personal Website

University, College, and School/Department
Research Focus Areas:
  • High Performance Computing
  • Machine Learning
Additional Research:

Black Hole Images General Relativity

IRI Connections: