David Goldsman
Director of Master's Recruiting and Admissions
Coca-Cola Foundation Professor
David Goldsman is the Director of Master's Recruiting and Admissions and Coca-Cola Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. in 1984 from the School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering at Cornell University. He also holds degrees from Syracuse University in Mathematics, Physics, and Computer and Information Sciences. He has been a Visiting Professor or Scientist at Cornell University, Syracuse University, The University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, AT&T Bell Laboratories, NEC USA, The Middle East Technical University, Northwestern University, The University of Oklahoma, Sabancı University, Boğaziçi University, Özyeğin University, Monterrey Tech, and The University of the Andes.
Dave's research interests include simulation output analysis, statistical ranking and selection methods, and medical and humanitarian applications of operations research. He has published extensively, and has over 75 publications in such bellwether journals as Management Science, Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, IIE Transactions, and Sequential Analysis. He has also co-authored about 20 book chapters as well as the texts Design and Analysis of Experiments for Statistical Selection, Screening and Multiple Comparisons, with Bob Bechhofer and Tom Santner, and Probability and Statistics in Engineering (4th edition), with Bill Hines, Doug Montgomery, and Connie Borror.
Dave is an Associate Editor for Sequential Analysis and the Journal of Simulation. He was previously the Simulation Department Editor for IIE Transactions and an Associate Editor for Operations Research Letters. He was also the Associate Editor for the Proceedings of the 1992 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), the Program Chair for the 1995 WSC, and the IIE Board Representative to the WSC (2001–2009). Further, he has served in various elected positions for the INFORMS Simulation Society, including President. He was the Chair of the INFORMS Public Awareness Committee from 2002–2008, and has engaged in substantial outreach to high school and community college students and teachers for over 25 years.
Dave and Christos Alexopoulos won the INFORMS Simulation Society's 2007 Outstanding Simulation Publication Award for their paper “To Batch or not to Batch?” which appeared in ACM TOMACS in 2004. In addition, Dave, Christos, Claudia Antonini, and Jim Wilson won the IIE Transactions 2010 Best Paper Prize in Operations Engineering and Analysis for their 2009 paper “Area Variance Estimators for Simulation Using Folded Standardized Time Series.” Dave received the INFORMS Simulation Society's Distinguished Service Award in 2002. He also received a Fulbright fellowship in 2006 to lecture at Boğaziçi and Sabancı Universities in Istanbul, Turkey. Dave is a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers.
Dave is an active consultant, having undertaken various projects in the healthcare, airline, automotive, fast food, hotel, and banking industries, among others.
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