Tim Trent

Tim Trent

Research Technologist II

Tim began working as the GVU Center’s Research Technologist in 2018. In conjunction with IPaT, he
developed, designed, and launched the Craft Lab in 2022 and is serving as the director of the
Prototyping, Craft, and Usability labs. Tim provides strategic oversight of the tools and technologies
present in these “innovation labs” and seeks opportunities to grow and shape the spaces to match the
ever-changing research landscape. These spaces are an essential component of the research within IPaT
and the broader Georgia Tech community. Tim views the spaces not only as a set of technologies like 3D
printers, laser cutters, embroidery machines, etc., but also as a catalyst to bring together community
members and explore new frontiers of research.

Tim has also spent much of his time at Georgia Tech working in research computing, including his roles
as a Research Technologist in College of Computing’s Technology Services Organization (TSO) and as a
part of IPaT’s Research Operations team. He served as interim Associate Director for Research in TSO in
2023. His focus in these areas is in DevOps and business automation with aims to match IT capabilities
and capacities with the needs of end-users.

Tim holds a Master of Science in Human-Computer Interaction and a graduate certificate in Management
of Technology from Georgia Tech. His thesis project focused on the introductory experience to academic
makerspaces and digital tools that support new users. In this work, Tim prototyped a new digital training
aid for makerspaces to allow more seamless introduction for new users while satisfying training


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