Stephen Sprigle

Stephen Sprigle

Stephen Sprigle


Stephen Sprigle is a Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology with appointments in Bioengineering, Industrial Design and the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering. 

A biomedical engineer with a license in physical therapy, Sprigle directs the Rehabilitation Engineering and Applied Research Lab (REARLab), which focuses on applied disability research and development. The REARLab’s research interests include the biomechanics of wheelchair seating and posture, pressure ulcer prevention, and manual wheelchair propulsion. Its development activities include standardized wheelchair and cushion testing and the design of assistive and diagnostic technologies. Sprigle teaches design-related classes in both the Schools of Industrial Design and Mechanical Engineering.


Office Location:
Architecture 0155


  • Profile
  • Research Focus Areas:
    • Platforms and Services for Socio-Technical Frontier
    • Regenerative Medicine
    Additional Research:
    Applied research and device development targeting the increased heath and function of persons with disabilities. Specific areas of interest include: wheeled mobility and seating, pressure ulcer prevention and treatment; design of diagnostic tissue interrogation devices; design of assistive technology. Wheeled Mobility and Seating; Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment; Design of Diagnostic Tissue Interrogation Devices; Design of Assistive Technologies

    IRI Connections:

    David Ku

    David Ku

    David Ku

    Regents Professor
    Lawrence P. Huang Chair in Engineering and Entrepreneurship
    Executive Director, Atlantic Pediatric Device Consortium

    Selected recent publications:

    ➤ Robert G. Mannino, Eric J. Nehl, Sarah Farmer, Amanda Foster Peagler, Maren C. Parsell, Viviana Claveria, David Ku, David S. Gottfried, Hang Chen, Wilbur A. Lam, and Oliver Brand, “The critical role of engineering in the rapid development of COVID-19 diagnostics: Lessons from the RADx Tech Test Verification Core” Science Advances. 9, eade4962 (2023).

    ➤ Liu ZL, Bresette C, Aidun CK, Ku DN. (2021) SIPA in 10 milliseconds: VWF tentacles agglomerate and capture platelets under high shear. Blood Advances

    ➤ Kim DJ, Ku DN. “Structure of shear-induced platelet aggregated clot formed in an in vitro arterial thrombosis model” Blood Adv (2022) 6 (9): 2872–2883.

    ➤ Kim DJ, Bressette C, Liu Z, Ku DN. Occlusive thrombosis in arteries.  APL Bioengineering  2019;3, 041502.

    Licensed Patents

    ➤ Ku, D.N., Wootton, D.M., Greer-Braddon, L., “Poly(vinyl Alcohol) Cryogel,” No. 5,981,826 and 6,231,605, issued May 15, 2001. Licensed; created prosthetic cartilage; acquired by Wright Medical. $645 million

    ➤ Denoziere, G., Ku, D.N., “Methods of Producing PVA Hydrogel Implants and Related Devices,” issued U.S. Patent No. 8,038,920, Licensed to Mimedx.  Market cap >$600 million.


    Office Location:
    Petit Biotechnology Building, Office 2307


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  • Google Scholar

    Research Focus Areas:
    • Biomaterials
    • Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics
    • Systems Biology
    Additional Research:
    New Project: Lysis of platelet clots to treat heart attacksBackground: Heart attacks and strokes come from a sudden thrombosis or accumulation of platelets in an artery.Our Findings: Our group has discovered the biophysical reason for this sudden occlusion and multiple points of therapy to prevent or dissolve the platelet-rich clot. Current Objectives: Quantify the architecture and strength of the thrombus to prevent or dissolve the thrombus using nano-devices and synthetic proteins.

    IRI Connections: