Yanni Loukissas

Yanni Loukissas

Yanni Loukissas is an Associate Professor of Digital Media in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at Georgia Tech. His research is focused on helping creative professionals think critically about the social implications of emerging technologies.

Anne Sullivan

Anne Sullivan

Anne Sullivan is an Assistant Professor in Digital Media and head of the StoryCraft Lab at Georgia Tech.

She received her PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Santa Cruz, where she created an artificial intelligence framework to support playable stories - stories that adapted and changed based on player choice. Before returning to school for her PhD, she was a game developer and designer with experience at AAA studios and as an independent developer.

Carl DiSalvo

Carl DiSalvo

Carl DiSalvo is an Associate Professor in the Digital Media Program in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at the Georgia Institute of Technology. At Georgia Tech he directs the Public Design Workshop: a design research studio that explores socially engaged design and civic media.