Joel Kostka

Joel Kostka

Dr. Kostka is currently a professor of Biology at Georgia Institute of Technology (GT). Prior to GT, he was an Associate Professor at the Department of Oceanography, Florida State University. His research involves microorganism studies in geochemical cycles of pristine and contaminated ecosystems, from the oceans to the terrestrial subsurface.

King Jordan

King Jordan

King Jordan is Professor in the School of Biological Sciences and Director of the Bioinformatics Graduate Program at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has a computational laboratory and his group works on a wide variety of research and development projects related to: (1) human clinical & population genomics, (2) computational genomics for public health, and (3) computational approaches to functional genomics. He is particularly interested in the relationship between human genetic ancestry and health.

Sam Brown

Sam Brown

Sam Brown's lab studies the multi-scale dynamics of infectious disease. Their goal is to improve the treatment and control of infectious diseases through a multi-scale understanding of microbial interactions. Their approach is highly interdisciplinary, combining theory and experiment, evolution, ecology and molecular microbiology in order to understand and control the multi-scale dynamics of bacteria pathogens.