Scott Sinquefield
Senior Research Engineer
Scott Sinquefield completed his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in 1998 at Oregon State University. He spent three years working with the Multi-Fuel Combustion Group at the Combustion Research Facility at Sandia National Labs (Livermore); where he performed the experimental portion of his thesis research. He joined the Chemical Recovery group at IPST in 1998 and was lead.engineer in the construction and operation of the Pressurize Entrained Flow Reactor facility. He now leads the research program on black liquor gasification. He has extensive experience in the design and construction of pilot research reactors and control systems. He also has expertise in boiler fire-side fouling and thermodynamic modeling of aqueous electrolyte systems.
(404) 385-0241
- Biobased Materials
- Biochemicals
- Biorefining
- Biotechnology
- Pulp Paper Packaging & Tissue
- Renewable Energy
- Sustainable Manufacturing
Gasification; Biofuels; Chemical Recovery; Environmental Processes; Separation Technologies
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