Kimberly Kurtis
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Scholarship, College of Engineering
Kimberly (Kim) E. Kurtis is a professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. She has served as associate dean of faculty development and scholarship in the College of Engineering since 2014 and was interim chair of the School for the 2017-2018 academic year. Kurtis earned her BSE in civil engineering from Tulane University under a Deans Honor Scholarship and her Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, where she was a Henry Hilp Fellow and a National Science Foundation (NSF) Fellow.
Kurtis’s innovative research on the multi-scale structure and performance of cement-based materials has resulted in more than 100 technical publications and two US patents. In addition to her technical and educational service contributions at the American Concrete Institute (ACI), American Ceramics Society (ACerS), Portland Cement Association (PCA), Transportation Research Board (TRB), American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), she has held two leadership positions – Chairman of ACI Committee 236: Materials Science of Concrete (2006-2012) and Chair of American Ceramic Society’s Cements Division (2008-2009) – central to advancing science-based research on cement-based materials. Dr. Kurtis has served as Associate Editor of ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering and as an Editorial Board member of Cement and Concrete Composites. Having previously served six years on ACI's Educational Activities Committee (EAC), she is currently appointed to ACI's 12-member Technical Activities Committee, which oversees development of ACI standards, technical committee activities, and technical content presented at ACI conventions and in archival publications. Since 2018, she has been Trustee at the ASCE Foundation, representing District 5.
She has been honored with ACI ’s Walter P. Moore, Jr. Faculty Achievement Award (2005), ACI’s Del Bloem Award for Service (2013), Outstanding Senior Undergraduate Research Mentor Award at Georgia Institute of Technology (2013), the ACI James Instruments Award for Research on NDE of Concrete (2008), Award for Outstanding Article in ASTM’s Journal of Testing and Evaluation (2010), and ASCE’s Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize (2013). Kurtis is a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute and the American Ceramics Society.
Office Location:
Mason 4154
- Materials and Nanotechnology
Structural Materials; Sustainable Communities; Composites; Structural Health Monitoring
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