Cheryl Gaimon
Esther and Edward J. Brown Jr. Chair and Regents’ Professor, Scheller College of Business
Faculty Director, Management of Technology Certificate Program, Scheller College of Business
Cheryl Gaimon holds the Esther and Edward Brown Chair and specializes in the area of operations management (OM). She initiated establishment of the OM Program and served as first the OM Area Coordinator for seven years. She was a core participant in the development of the interdisciplinary Management of Technology (MoT) Certificate Program and currently serves as that program's director. She has taught courses at the undergraduate, masters, and PhD levels as well as in executive programs.
Professor Gaimon's teaching and research considers how a firm manages its knowledge-based resource capabilities (which include (i) people, (ii) manufacturing and service technologies, (iii) processes and procedures, (iv) materials, and (v) information) in environments characterized by innovations in science and technology, global competition, and a dynamic marketplace. In particular, her research and teaching addresses new product and process development, implementation of new technology, and sustainable operations. Due to the complexity and time pressure of developing innovations that are successful in the marketplace, Professor Gaimon also addresses knowledge outsourcing and alliances/partnerhips. She teaches courses in innovation and management of technology. Her research has appeared in journals including Management Science, Operations Research, Organization Science, and Production and Operations Management.
Professor Gaimon received the Brady Family Award for Faculty Research Excellence from the Scheller College in 2014. Additionally, she has been actively involved in the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). Professor Gaimon received the Sushil K. Gupta POMS Distinguished Service Award in 2014, became a POMS fellow in 2009, served as the POMS President in 2008-2009, and was the founding co-President of the POMS College on Product Innovation and Technology Management. Professor Gaimon received the Distinguished Service Award for the Technology Management Section (TMS) of INFORMS in 2009 and was their Distinguished Speaker in 2007. The Board of Regents of the State of Georgia made Professor Gaimon a Regents' Professor in 2005. She is the recipient of "The 1999 Georgia Tech Research Award" for doctoral student development.
Professor Gaimon is the Management of Technology Department Editor for Production and Operations Management. Formerly, she served as Associate Editor of Management Science, Senior Editor of Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Department Editor of IIE (Institute of Industrial Engineers) Transactions, and Department Editor of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Office Location:
- Materials and Nanotechnology
Innovation; Sustainability
IRI Connections: