Christopher E. Carr
Assistant Professor
School of Aerospace Engineering
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Christopher E. Carr is an engineer/scientist with training in aero/astro, electrical engineering, medical physics, and molecular biology. At Georgia Tech he is an Assistant Professor in the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering with a secondary appointment in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. He is a member of the Space Systems Design Lab (SSDL) and runs the Planetary eXploration Lab (PXL). He serves as the Principal Investigator (PI) or Science PI for several life detection instrument and/or astrobiology/space biology projects, and is broadly interested in searching for and expanding the presence of life beyond Earth while enabling a sustainable human future. He previously served as a Research Scientist at MIT in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences and a Research Fellow at the Massachusetts General Hospital in the Department of Molecular Biology. He serves as a Scott M. Johnson Fellow in the U.S. Japan Leadership Program.
Office Location:
ESM 107B
- Aerospace
- Bioengineering
- Bioinformatics
- Diagnostics
- Health & Life Sciences
- Micro and Nano Device Engineering
- Miniaturization & Integration
- Molecular Evolution
- Separation Technologies
IRI Connections: