Marius Niculescu
Associate Professor
Marius Florin Niculescu joined Georgia Tech College of Business in the fall of 2009 after completing his Ph.D. in Operations, Information and Technology at Stanford Graduate School of Business. His research focuses on the economics of information systems, software freemium and seeding business models, network economics, management and diffusion of IT products and services, mobile telecommunications, software release and pricing, software quality management, cloud computing, and online distribution of video entertainment. Niculescu's research has been published in Management Science and Information Systems Research, and presented at numerous conferences in the field and research seminars at peer universities (link to his Google Scholar profile). Niculescu's work received 2013 AIS Best Publication of the Year Award, Best Conference Paper Award at the 2012 INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, and the Brady Family Award for Faculty Research Excellence at Scheller College of Business, Georgia Tech in 2013. Niculescu joins the Information Systems Research editorial board as an Associate Editor starting in January 2016. He also served as a guest Associate Editor for Production and Operations Management Journal, an Associate Editor for the International Conference on Information Systems and the Europoean Conference on Information Systems, as well as ad-hoc reviewer for the majority of the top journals in the field. In 2012 and 2015, Niculescu received the Management Science Distinguished and Meritorious Service Awards. In 2015, he also received the 2015 Information Systems Research Reviewer of the Year award. He also served as the president of the eBusiness section of INFORMS during 2013. Moreover, Niculescu was a co-chair of the Organizing Committee for the 2015 INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology.
At Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business, Niculescu serves as the ITM Ph.D. Coordinator and as a member of the Undergraduate Committee. Moreover, at the Institute level, Niculescu is a Georgia Tech Grand Challenges Faculty Fellow and also a Faculty Council Member on the Information Securiy and Privacy Interdisciplinary Research Institute at Georgia Tech.
Office Location:
Scheller 470
University, College, and School/Department
Research Focus Areas:
- Risk Management
Additional Research:
Cloud Security; IT Economics;
Cloud Security; IT Economics;
IRI Connections: