GTMI's 30th Anniversary Celebration!

Join us for GTMI's 30th anniversary celebration (a virtual experience).

Join us for GTMI's
30th Anniversary Celebration
and Distinguished Lecture

The Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute will celebrate its 30th year with the mission of convening industry leaders, government partners and top researchers to collaborate on the grand challenges facing the U.S. manufacturing industry.

Please join us for a half-day, virtual event on October 28, 2021. The following activities are scheduled:

10:00 am   Welcome from Ben Wang, GTMI Executive Director.
                   GTMI's 30th Anniversary Video
10:10 am    Advanced Manufacturing Pilot Facilities (AMPF)
                    Capabilities Presentation  
11:00 am    Distinguished Lecture by Naveed Hussain, CTO and VP/GM, Boeing Research & Technology